The world of publishing has become diverse – printed or electronic.
The University of Münster offers its members various possibilities for publishing research results and multimedia works. In doing so, it pursues the goal of providing sustainable support for research and teaching in the spirit of open science and Good Scientific Practice.
Authors of the university have the opportunity to publish their book in a publication series of the University of Münster.
Scientists of the University of Münster can apply for funding from the university's publication fund for open access publications.
A wide variety of digital documents and objects of the University of Münster can be published and archived on the publication server miami.
Members of the University of Münster can publish their own e-journal and manage the editorial process with Open Journal Systems.
The research portal offers a coherent overview of the diverse research activities and results of the University of Münster.
From project consulting to the provision and archiving of research data, we offer our support in research data management.
The University's affiliation policy informs authors and editors how to correctly note their institutional affiliation.