Digital publishing
The University of Münster supports its members with various offers to publish research results and multimedia works.
You will find all the relevant information on the website Publishing at the University of Münster
The University of Münster supports its members with various offers to publish research results and multimedia works.
You will find all the relevant information on the website Publishing at the University of Münster
Open access means free access to scientific information on the Internet. Anyone interested should be able to access specialist literature and materials free of charge worldwide. In 2012, the Rectorate adopted an open access declaration for the University of Münster.
Information on open access
Additional details on authors and editors of scientific publications, e.g. in journals, books and conference reports are of utmost importance. The key factor for ensuring their recognition is the statement of institutional affiliation. Its uniformity is essential.
Affiliation guidelines of the University of Münster
Scientists of the University of Münster can apply for funding from the Open access publication fund of the University of Münster for their open access publications.
Information on the Open access publication fund of the University of Münster
Under the name miami (Münster Information and Archive System of Multimedia Content), the ULB offers a publication server for the publications of the University of Münster.
Information on miami
Doctoral theses and other monographs can be published in the series "Wissenschaftliche Schriften der Universität Münster" (University of Münster Academic Publications), edited by the ULB.
Information on the publication series
With the administration system "Open Journal Systems", the University and State Library operates a platform for the publication of your e-journals.
Information on the publication of journals
The ULB Münster publishes your doctoral thesis on the publication server miami and provides archiving.
Information on the publication of doctoral theses