Neuerwerbungen, Links und Tipps für die Anglistik aus der ULB

  • Open-Access-Bücher zur anglistischen Literaturwissenschaft

    [15.07.2024, 06:00] In der letzten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei verfügbaren Titel erschienen: Investigating Understanding: Annotating Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 43” Leonie Kirchhoff With a fresh and innovative perspective, Leonie Kirchhoff introduces an interdisciplinary xamination of literary understanding, drawing upon cognitive, educational, and literary … Weiterlesen →
  • New Books Network Podcast: „The Rise of English“

    [08.07.2024, 06:00] Im Podcast „Language on the Move“, einer mit dem New Books Network assoziierten Podcast-Reihe, sprach Ingrid Piller mit Rosemary Salomone über ihr Buch „The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language“: The Rise of English charts the spread … Weiterlesen →
  • Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2024.7

    [01.07.2024, 06:00] Icons of the alphabet: letter names, phonetic notation and the phonology and orthography of English This book examines the names by which we refer to the letters of the English alphabet, arguing that these letter names provide unrivalled insights into … Weiterlesen →
  • Bayern2 radioWissen: „Der englische Dichter Thomas Hardy – Endstation Stonehenge“

    [24.06.2024, 06:00] „In dem Bauern-und Hirtenland von Wessex mit seinem geheimnisumwitterten Steinkreis von Stonehenge sah der englische Schriftsteller Thomas Hardy zeitlebens einen Ort voll mystischer Tiefe und Magie. Kein Wunder also, dass er das im Südwesten von England gelegene Wessex immer wieder … Weiterlesen →
  • Kennen Sie schon … The Valley of the Shadow?

    [17.06.2024, 06:00] Unter diesem Motto bietet das Portal „The Valley of the Shadow“ die Geschichte zweier US-amerikanischer Counties nördlich und südlich der Mason-Dixon-Linie einen mikrohistorischen Einblick in die Lebenswelten vor, während und nach dem Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg (1859–1870). Als digitale Sammlung werden Briefe, … Weiterlesen →

Diese Nachrichten stammen aus dem FachBlog der ULB aus der Kategorie Anglistik.

Nachrichten aus der Anglistik

  • New words – 15 July 2024

    [15.07.2024, 13:26] pebbling noun [U] /ˈpeb.ᵊl.ɪŋ/ the activity of giving someone small gifts or sending them memes, photos, or videos on social media to show you love them Now, it seems, humans are taking a page from the Antarctic animals, as a trend known as “pebbling” takes hold. How it works: A thoughtful lover gives their significant … Continue reading New words – 15 July 2024 The post New words – 15 July 2024 appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.
  • New words – 8 July 2024

    [11.07.2024, 17:11] snail girl noun [C] UK /ˈsneɪl ˌɡɜːl/ US /ˈsneɪl ˌɡɝːl/ a woman who thinks that being happy and enjoying a relaxed lifestyle is more important than working too hard and putting herself under pressure When Australian online site Fashion Journal recently published a piece titled “Snail girl era: Why I’m slowing down and choosing to … Continue reading New words – 8 July 2024 The post New words – 8 July 2024 appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.
  • Committing, tackling, and solving: Talking about crime

    [10.07.2024, 13:00] by Liz Walter Today’s post is the first in a short series on the topic of crime and it looks at some general vocabulary. Once again, I will be focusing on collocations, or words that go together. The most important verb you need to talk about crime is commit. We use this both with the word … Continue reading Committing, tackling, and solving: Talking about crime The post Committing, tackling, and solving: Talking about crime appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.
  • The English we speak: Ham-fisted

    [09.07.2024, 10:06] Here's an expression about clumsiness. [Image: Getty] For more great language tips and programmes visit Find a full transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with your English at: BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our website ✔️ Follow us ✔️ LIKE PODCASTS? Try some of our other popular podcasts including: ✔️ 6 Minute English ✔️ Learning English from the News ✔️ Learning English Stories They're all available by searching in your podcast app.
  • The English we speak: Second nature

    [02.07.2024, 11:07] Here's an expression that means you can do something without having to think about it, because it's so familiar to you. [Image: Getty] For more great language tips and programmes visit Find a full transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with your English at: BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our website ✔️ Follow us ✔️ LIKE PODCASTS? Try some of our other popular podcasts including: ✔️ 6 Minute English ✔️ Learning English from the News ✔️ Learning English Stories They're all available by searching in your podcast app.
  • New words – 1 July 2024

    [01.07.2024, 08:00] hypertourism noun [U] UK /ˌhaɪ.pəˈtʊə.rɪ.zᵊm/ US /ˌhaɪ.pɚˈtʊr.ɪ.zᵊm/ the situation when an extremely large number of people visit a place on holiday, so that the place is spoiled and life is made very difficult for the people who live there While on the one hand many hundreds of people have found decent jobs in the tourism … Continue reading New words – 1 July 2024 The post New words – 1 July 2024 appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.
  • The English we speak: Take the plunge

    [25.06.2024, 11:18] For more great language tips and programmes visit (Image: Getty)Find a full transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with your English at: BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our website ✔️ Follow us ✔️ LIKE PODCASTS? Try some of our other popular podcasts including: ✔️ 6 Minute English ✔️ Learning English from the News ✔️ Learning English Stories They're all available by searching in your podcast app.
  • New words – 24 June 2024

    [24.06.2024, 08:00] warmdrobe noun [C] UK /ˈwɔːm.drəʊb/ US /ˈwɔːrm.droʊb/ a collection of warm clothes to wear in cold weather Finessing the art of cold weather dressing in winter is hard work, but a warmdrobe will make it decidedly easier. The key to a warmdrobe – a wardrobe curated specifically for bitterly cold times such as these – … Continue reading New words – 24 June 2024 The post New words – 24 June 2024 appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.
  • The English We Speak: Peaks and troughs

    [18.06.2024, 11:57] Ever felt like you’re on the rollercoaster of life and you don’t know a good way to say it?(Image: Getty)TRANSCRIPT Find a full transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with your English at: BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our website ✔️ Follow us ✔️ PODCASTS? Try some of our other popular podcasts including: ✔️ 6 Minute English ✔️ News Review ✔️ Office English They're all available by searching in your podcast app.
  • New words – 17 June 2024

    [17.06.2024, 08:00] street scar noun [C] UK /ˈstriːt ˌskɑːʳ/ US /ˈstriːt ˌskɑːr/ a patch of asphalt used to repair a road that is not the same colour, or sometimes the same material, as the road underneath it Telecoms and water companies are creating “street scars” in a “wasteful process” that is marring British high streets, Nicholas Boys … Continue reading New words – 17 June 2024 The post New words – 17 June 2024 appeared first on About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog.

Die Nachrichten stammen aus den News des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes, dem "Literature"-Blog des British Council, den Blogs About Words und Wordability und der Podcast-Reihe The English We Speak.

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