

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2021.10

A con­trastive view of dis­course mark­ers: dis­course mark­ers of say­ing in Eng­lish and French This book is a com­par­a­tive cor­­pus-based study of dis­course mark­ers based on verbs of say­ing in Eng­lish and French. Based on a wide com­pa­ra­ble web cor­pus, … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2021.10

Ide­olo­gies of mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in con­tem­po­rary Rus­sia: Debates on eth­no­lin­guis­tic diver­si­ty from a crit­i­­cal-dis­­cur­­sive per­spec­tive The book exam­ines mul­ti­lay­ered dis­cur­sive process­es of (un)making the key macro-lev­­el poli­cies toward eth­no­lin­guis­tic diver­si­ty in con­tem­po­rary Rus­sia, where the last two decades wit­nessed a grad­ual … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Germanistik 2021.9

Forms of life: aes­thet­ics and biopol­i­tics in Ger­man cul­ture In Forms of Life, Andreas Gailus argues that the neglect of aes­thet­ics in most con­tem­po­rary the­o­ries of biopol­i­tics has result­ed in an over­ly restrict­ed con­cep­tion of life. He insists we need … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2021.9

Bib­li­cal Women in Con­tem­po­rary Nov­els in Eng­lish: From Mar­garet Atwood to Jen­ny Dis­ki How are well-known female char­ac­ters from the Bible rep­re­sent­ed in late 20th-cen­­tu­ry nov­els? In Bib­li­cal Women in Con­tem­po­rary Nov­els in Eng­lish, Ingrid Bertrand presents a detailed analy­sis … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2021.9

The Rout­ledge hand­book of Span­ish phonol­o­gy The Rout­ledge Hand­book of Span­ish Phonol­o­gy brings togeth­er lead­ing experts in Span­ish phonol­o­gy to pro­vide a state-of-the-art sur­vey of the field. The five sec­tions present cur­rent research on the phono­log­i­cal struc­ture of Span­ish includ­ing … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2021.9

Pol­i­tics and the Slav­ic lan­guages Dur­ing the last two cen­turies, eth­no­lin­guis­tic nation­al­ism has been the norm of nation build­ing and state build­ing in Cen­tral Europe. The num­ber of rec­og­nized Slav­ic lan­guages (in line with the nor­ma­tive polit­i­cal for­mu­la of lan­guage … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2021.9

Nar­ra­tive in the Ice­landic fam­i­ly saga: mean­ings of time in Old Norse lit­er­a­ture Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a unique lit­er­ary genre and com­posed in the 13th and 14th cen­turies, the Ice­landic Fam­i­ly Sagas rank among some of the world’s great­est lit­er­a­ture. Here, … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2021.9

Mutu­al lin­guis­tic bor­row­ing between Eng­lish and Ara­bic This book focus­es on the lex­i­cal bor­row­ing between Eng­lish and Ara­bic, and offers his­tor­i­cal back­ground regard­ing the con­tact between these two lan­guages. It sheds light on why and how both lan­guages have come … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2021.9

It’s not all about you: new per­spec­tives on address research The twen­­ty-first cen­tu­ry has seen a surge in cross-lin­guis­tic research on forms of address from increas­ing­ly diverse and com­ple­men­tary per­spec­tives. The present edit­ed col­lec­tion is the inau­gur­al vol­ume of Top­ics … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Digital Humanities 2021.9

Dig­i­tal Meth­ods in the Human­i­ties: Chal­lenges, Ideas, Per­spec­tives Dig­i­tal Human­i­ties is a trans­for­ma­tion­al endeav­or that not only changes the per­cep­tion, stor­age, and inter­pre­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion but also of research process­es and ques­tions. It also prompts new ways of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary com­mu­ni­ca­tion … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2021.8

Lan­guage con­tact in the ter­ri­to­ry of the for­mer Sovi­et Union The for­mer Sovi­et Union (USSR) pro­vides the ide­al ter­ri­to­ry for study­ing lan­guage con­tact between one and the same dom­i­nant lan­guage (Russ­ian) and a wide range of genealog­i­cal­ly and typo­log­i­cal­ly diverse … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2021.8

Refram­ing Refor­mu­la­tion: A The­o­ret­i­­cal-Exper­i­­men­­tal Approach: Evi­dence from the Span­ish Dis­course Mark­er „o sea“ Refor­mu­la­tion stud­ies offer a recent debate on refor­mu­la­tion and its sema­si­o­log­i­­cal-ono­­ma­si­o­log­i­­cal treat­ment. Some researchers argue for a clear dis­tinc­tion between refor­mu­la­tion and oth­er func­tions such as con­clu­sion … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2021.8

Jus­tice in Print: Dis­cov­er­ing Pre­fec­tur­al Judges and Their Judi­cial Con­sis­ten­cy in Late-Ming Case­books In Jus­tice in Print: Dis­cov­er­ing Pre­fec­tur­al Judges and Their Judi­cial Con­sis­ten­cy in Late-Ming Case­books, Ka-chai Tam argues that the pre­fec­tur­al judge in the judi­cia­ry of the Ming … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2021.8

Drama­tis­che Zeit­en: Zeitkonzepte in skan­di­navis­chen The­ater­tex­ten um 1900 und 2000 Das Nach­denken über die Zeit im Dra­ma hat Tra­di­tion. Jedoch betra­cht­en bish­erige Unter­suchun­gen die Zeit vornehm­lich als dra­matur­gis­che Größe. Die vor­liegende Studie fasst den Zeit­be­griff weit­er. Typ­isch mod­erne Zeit­phänomene und … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2021.8

Sci­ence Com­mu­ni­ca­tion on the Inter­net: Old gen­res meet new gen­res This book exam­ines the expand­ing world of gen­res on the Inter­net to under­stand issues of sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­tion today. The book explores how some tra­di­tion­al print gen­res have become dig­i­tal, how … Weit­er­lesen