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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2023.12

Imag­i­nary lan­guages: myths, utopias, fan­tasies, illu­sions, and lin­guis­tic fic­tions An explo­ration of the prac­tice of invent­ing lan­guages, from speak­ing in tongues to utopi­an schemes of uni­ver­sal­i­ty to the dis­cov­er­ies of mod­ern lin­guis­tics. In Imag­i­nary Lan­guages, Mari­na Yaguel­lo explores the his­to­ry … Weit­er­lesen



Kennen Sie schon … RELiCTA?

Das Reper­to­ry of Ear­­ly-Mod­­ern Lin­guis­tic and Cat­e­chet­i­cal Tools of Amer­i­ca, Asia, and Africa ange­siedelt am Cen­ter for the His­to­ri­og­ra­phy of Lin­guis­tics der Uni Leu­ven, unter­stützt die Forschung zur Mis­sion­arslin­guis­tik: RELiCTA’s name alludes to the both dor­mant and pre­car­i­ous nature of … Weit­er­lesen