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New Books Network Podcast: „The Blind Storyteller: How We Reason about Human Nature“

Das Buch „The Blind Sto­ry­teller: How We Rea­son about Human Nature“ von Iris Berent wurde am 11.8.224 im New Books Net­work Pod­cast vorgestellt: Do new­borns think-do they know that ‚three‘ is greater than ‚two‘? Do they pre­fer ‚right‘ to ‚wrong‘? … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2024.10

Anx­i­ety in Mod­ern Scan­di­na­vian Lit­er­a­ture: August Strind­berg, Inger Chris­tensen, Karl Ove Knaus­gård This book explores how states and traits of anx­i­ety are reflect­ed in the style and struc­ture of cer­tain works by three key fig­ures of mod­ern Scan­di­na­vian lit­er­a­ture: August … Weit­er­lesen



Open-Access-Bücher zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft

Velar fronting in Ger­man dialects: study in syn­chron­ic and diachron­ic phonol­o­gy Tra­cy Alan Hallhttps://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/331https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7185567 Velar Fronting (VF) is the name for any syn­chron­ic or diachron­ic phono­log­i­cal process shift­ing the velar place of artic­u­la­tion to the palatal region of the vocal … Weit­er­lesen