

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2024.7

Mon­ster Metaphors: When Rhetoric Runs Amok This book explores ways in which com­mon metaphors can play a detri­men­tal role in every­day life; how they can grow in out­sized impor­tance to dom­i­nate their respec­tive ter­rains and push out alter­na­tive per­spec­tives; and … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2023.11

From ver­bal periphrases to com­plex pred­i­cates This vol­ume, which can be con­sid­ered as a fol­low-up pub­li­ca­tion to Pusch & Wesch (2003), con­tains ten stud­ies on ver­bal periphrases in a wide array of Romance lan­guages, both in a syn­chron­ic and in … Weit­er­lesen