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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2023.6

Record­ing Rus­sia: Try­ing to Lis­ten in the Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry Record­ing Rus­sia exam­ines scenes of lis­ten­ing to „the peo­ple“ across a vari­ety of texts by Russ­ian writ­ers and Euro­pean trav­el­ers to Rus­sia. Gabriel­la Safran chal­lenges read­ings of these works that essen­tial­ize … Weit­er­lesen



BBC World Service „The Documentary Podcast“: „China in slogans“

„As the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty cel­e­brates its 100th anniversary,Celia Hat­ton looks at how par­ty slo­gans reveal the tur­bu­lent his­to­ry of mod­ern Chi­na. Through­out its exis­tence, the par­ty has used key slo­gans to com­mu­ni­cate pol­i­cy and mobilise the country’s vast pop­u­la­tion. … Weit­er­lesen