

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2024.8

An Intro­duc­tion to Lin­guis­tics through Pop­u­lar Music This text­book intro­duces the field of lin­guis­tics, demon­strat­ing syn­tac­tic cat­e­gories, mor­pho­log­i­cal struc­tures, phonological/metric struc­tures, syl­la­ble struc­tures, and vari­eties of Eng­lish in an acces­si­ble way by using por­tions of song lyrics from pop­u­lar music. … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2023.2

Broad­en­ing the spec­trum of cor­pus lin­guis­tics: New approach­es to vari­abil­i­ty and change This vol­ume presents a snap­shot of the cur­rent state of the art of research in Eng­lish cor­pus lin­guis­tics. It con­tains select­ed papers from the 40th ICAME con­fer­ence in … Weit­er­lesen