

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2022.10

Ara­bic dis­lo­ca­tion Since the ear­ly years of gen­er­a­tive gram­mar (Chom­sky 1977, inter alia), the phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy of dis­lo­ca­tion has proved to be a fer­tile area of research. This, how­ev­er, has not been the case for Mod­ern Stan­dard Ara­bic (MSA), and hence … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2022.7

Blend­ing, from Eng­lish to Ara­bic This book exam­ines the inter­est­ing lin­guis­tic phe­nom­e­non of blend­ing, where new words are formed to enrich the lex­i­con of a lan­guage. Blend­ing in Eng­lish has been thor­ough­ly inves­ti­gat­ed to the extent that researchers and schol­ars … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2021.12

The syn­tax of sur­prise: exple­tive nega­tion and the left periph­ery Nega­tion is a uni­ver­sal syn­tac­tic phe­nom­e­non only employed in human lan­guages. Peo­ple use neg­a­tive sen­tences in every­day con­ver­sa­tions, and they dis­play com­plex seman­tic and syn­tac­tic prop­er­ties when doing so. Cru­cial­ly, … Weit­er­lesen