

Buntes aus Westfalen – „Droste Digital“

In der Kat­e­gorie „Buntes aus West­falen“ bericht­en wir über (teils kuriose) Neuer­schei­n­un­gen, die wir als Lan­des­bib­lio­thek im Rah­men des Pflich­tex­em­plar­recht­es (das gibt es schon seit 1824!) als kosten­lose Belegex­em­plare aus west­fälis­chen Ver­la­gen und/oder Selb­stver­legern erhal­ten.

Aus dem Klap­pen­text:

Die unter wis­senschaftlichen und kün­st­lerischen Prämis­sen kuratierte Ausstel­lung ist für ein bre­ites Spek­trum unter­schiedlich­ster Besucher*innen zugänglich. Als Pro­jekt von Burg Hül­shoff – Cen­ter for Lit­er­a­ture ver­fol­gt die Ausstel­lung das Anliegen, das his­torische Erbe Drostes zu aktu­al­isieren und damit aus der Ver­gan­gen­heit in die Gegen­wart zu trans­portieren. Dieser Kat­a­log ver­sam­melt die vielfälti­gen wis­senschaftlichen und kün­st­lerischen Per­spek­tiv­en, die im Rah­men des Pro­jek­tes ›DROSTE DIGITAL‹ auf die dig­i­tal­isierten Hand­schriften gewor­fen wer­den.

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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Slavistik 2022.10

The Oxford hand­book of lan­guages of the Cau­ca­sus
BuchcoverThis Hand­book offers an intro­duc­tion to the lin­guis­ti­cal­ly diverse lan­guages of the Cau­ca­sus, spo­ken in south­ern Rus­sia, Geor­gia, Azer­bai­jan, and Arme­nia. Three indige­nous lan­guage fam­i­lies of the area include Nakh-Dages­tan­ian, North­west Cau­casian (also known as Abk­haz-Adyghe), and South Cau­casian (also known as Kartvelian). Lan­guages of the Cau­ca­sus dis­play a num­ber of cross-lin­guis­ti­cal­ly unusu­al fea­tures rarely found else­where. The Hand­book presents descrip­tions of lan­guage fam­i­lies of the area and indi­vid­ual lan­guages with­in these fam­i­lies, with the lin­guis­tic pro­files enriched by demo­graph­ic and soci­olin­guis­tic research. In addi­tion, the Hand­book delves more deeply into the­o­ret­i­cal analy­ses of lin­guis­tic fea­tures, such as sound sys­tems, agree­ment, ellip­sis, and dis­course prop­er­ties, which are found in some lan­guages of the Cau­ca­sus.
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Blood of Oth­ers: Stalin’s Crimean Atroc­i­ty and the Poet­ics of Sol­i­dar­i­ty
BuchcoverBlood of Oth­ers offers a cul­tur­al his­to­ry of Crimea and the Black Sea region, one of Europe’s most volatile flash­points, by chron­i­cling the after­math of Stalin’s 1944 depor­ta­tion of the Crimean Tatars in four dif­fer­ent lit­er­ary tra­di­tions.

In the spring of 1944, Stal­in deport­ed the Crimean Tatars, a small Sun­ni Mus­lim nation, from their ances­tral home­land on the Black Sea penin­su­la. The grav­i­ty of this event, which ulti­mate­ly claimed the lives of tens of thou­sands of vic­tims, was shroud­ed in secre­cy after the Sec­ond World War. What broke the silence in Sovi­et Rus­sia, Sovi­et Ukraine, and the Repub­lic of Turkey were works of lit­er­a­ture. These texts of poet­ry and prose – some passed hand-to-hand under­ground, oth­ers pub­lished to con­tro­ver­sy – shocked the con­science of read­ers and sought to move them to action.
Blood of Oth­ers presents these works as vivid evi­dence of literature’s pow­er to lift our moral hori­zons. In bring­ing these remark­able texts to light and con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing them among Russ­ian, Turk­ish, and Ukrain­ian rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Crimea from 1783, Rory Finnin pro­vides an inno­v­a­tive cul­tur­al his­to­ry of the Black Sea region. He reveals how a „poet­ics of sol­i­dar­i­ty“ pro­mot­ed empa­thy and sup­port for an oppressed peo­ple through com­plex provo­ca­tions of guilt rather than shame.
Forg­ing new roads between Slav­ic stud­ies and Mid­dle East­ern stud­ies, Blood of Oth­ers is a com­pelling and time­ly explo­ration of the ideas and iden­ti­ties cours­ing between Rus­sia, Turkey, and Ukraine – three coun­tries deter­min­ing the fate of a volatile and geopo­lit­i­cal­ly piv­otal part of our world.zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
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Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Slav­is­tik ent­deck­en!



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2022.10

Food Cul­ture and Lit­er­ary Imag­i­na­tion in Ear­ly Mod­ern Italy
BuchcoverAs the long six­teenth cen­tu­ry came to a close, new pos­i­tive ideas of gusto/taste opened a rich counter vision of food and taste where mate­r­i­al prac­tice, sen­so­ry per­cep­tions and imag­i­na­tion con­tend­ed with tra­di­tion­al social val­ues, moral­i­ty, and dietetic/medical dis­course. Explor­ing the com­plex and evoca­tive ways the ear­ly mod­ern Ital­ian cul­ture of food was imag­ined in the lit­er­a­ture of the time, Food Cul­ture and the Lit­er­ary Imag­i­na­tion in Ear­ly Mod­ern Italy reveals that while a moral and dis­ci­pli­nary vision tried to con­trol the dis­course on food and eat­ing in med­ical and dietet­ic trea­tis­es of the six­teenth cen­tu­ry and pre­scrip­tive lit­er­a­ture, a wide range of lit­er­ary works con­tributed to a rev­o­lu­tion in eat­ing and taste. In the process long held visions of food and eat­ing, as relat­ed to social order and hier­ar­chy, med­i­cine, sex­u­al­i­ty and gen­der, reli­gion and moral­i­ty, plea­sure and the sens­es, were ques­tioned, test­ed and over­turned, and eat­ing and its plea­sures would nev­er be the same.
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Between mar­ket and myth: the Span­ish artist nov­el in the post-tran­si­tion, 1992–2014
BuchcoverIn its ear­ly tran­si­tion to democ­ra­cy fol­low­ing Franco’s death in 1975, Spain rapid­ly embraced neolib­er­al prac­tices and poli­cies, some of which direct­ly impact­ed cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion. In a few short years, the coun­try com­mer­cial­ized its art and lit­er­ary mar­kets, invest­ing in “cul­tur­al tourism” as a tool for eco­nom­ic growth and urban renew­al. The artist nov­el began to pro­lif­er­ate for the first time in a cen­tu­ry, but these novels—about artists and art historians—have received lit­tle crit­i­cal atten­tion beyond the descrip­tive. In Between Mar­ket and Myth, Vater stud­ies select authors—Julio Lla­mazares, Ánge­les Caso, Clara Usón, Almu­de­na Grandes, Nieves Her­rero, Palo­ma Díaz-Mas, Lour­des Ortiz, and Enrique Vila-Matas—whose large­ly real­ist nov­els por­tray a clash between the myth of artis­tic free­dom and artists’ will­ing recruit­ment or coop­ta­tion by mar­ket forces or polit­i­cal influ­ence. Today, in an era of ris­ing glob­al­iza­tion, the artist nov­el proves ide­al for exam­in­ing authors‘ ambiva­lent notions of cre­ative prac­tice when polit­i­cal patron­age and pri­vate sec­tor invest­ment com­pli­cate belief in artis­tic auton­o­my.
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Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Roman­is­tik ent­deck­en!



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2022.10

Ara­bic dis­lo­ca­tion
BuchcoverSince the ear­ly years of gen­er­a­tive gram­mar (Chom­sky 1977, inter alia), the phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy of dis­lo­ca­tion has proved to be a fer­tile area of research. This, how­ev­er, has not been the case for Mod­ern Stan­dard Ara­bic (MSA), and hence this thor­ough mono­graph intends to fill this lacu­na. Three aspects of this lin­guis­tic phe­nom­e­non stand out: the tax­on­o­my of pos­si­ble dis­lo­cat­ed con­fig­u­ra­tions, syn­tax and inter­pre­ta­tion. Though the struc­ture in itself has been exten­sive­ly stud­ied in var­i­ous lan­guages, includ­ing vari­eties of spo­ken Ara­bic, this mono­graph shows that MSA presents prop­er­ties that set it apart from known vari­eties and can­not be cap­tured by an exten­sion or mod­i­fi­ca­tion of exist­ing analy­ses. More­over, exist­ing analy­ses are not ful­ly sat­is­fac­to­ry as there are open ana­lyt­i­cal ques­tions regard­ing the inter­pre­ta­tion and syn­tac­tic analy­sis of dis­lo­ca­tion struc­tures crosslin­guis­ti­cal­ly. Par­tic­u­lar­ly, the opti­mal path to fol­low con­cern­ing dis­lo­ca­tion struc­tures in MSA is to argue for the claim that con­trast, as an infor­ma­tion-struc­tur­al notion, under­lies the inter­pre­ta­tion of dis­lo­cat­ed ele­ments, and these ele­ments are best syn­tac­ti­cal­ly ana­lyzed as being involved in a bisen­ten­tial con­fig­u­ra­tion, con­tra mon­o­clausal approach­es to dis­lo­ca­tion. This mono­graph should be rel­e­vant to any­one with an inter­est in the Ara­bic lan­guage, and also to syn­tac­ti­cians and typol­o­gists with an inter­est in sen­tence struc­ture.
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The cul­ture of lan­guage in Ming Chi­na: sound, script, and the rede­f­i­n­i­tion of bound­aries of knowl­edge
BuchcoverThe schol­ar­ly cul­ture of Ming dynasty Chi­na (1368–1644) is often seen as pri­or­i­tiz­ing phi­los­o­phy over con­crete tex­tu­al study. Nathan Vedal uncov­ers the pre­oc­cu­pa­tion among Ming thinkers with spe­cial­ized lin­guis­tic learn­ing, a field typ­i­cal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the intel­lec­tu­al rev­o­lu­tion of the eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry. He explores the col­lab­o­ra­tion of Con­fu­cian clas­si­cists and Bud­dhist monks, opera libret­tists and cos­mo­log­i­cal the­o­rists, who joined forces in the pur­suit of a uni­ver­sal the­o­ry of lan­guage.
Draw­ing on a wide range of over­looked schol­ar­ly texts, lit­er­ary com­men­taries, and ped­a­gog­i­cal mate­ri­als, Vedal exam­ines how Ming schol­ars posi­tioned the study of lan­guage with­in an inter­con­nect­ed nexus of learn­ing. He argues that for six­teenth- and sev­en­teenth-cen­tu­ry thinkers, the bound­aries among the worlds of clas­si­cism, lit­er­a­ture, music, cos­mol­o­gy, and reli­gion were far more flu­id and porous than they became lat­er. In the eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry, Qing thinkers pared away these oth­er fields from lin­guis­tic learn­ing, cre­at­ing a dis­ci­pline focused on cor­rob­o­rat­ing the lin­guis­tic fea­tures of ancient texts.
Doc­u­ment­ing a major trans­for­ma­tion in knowl­edge pro­duc­tion, this book pro­vides a frame­work for rethink­ing glob­al ear­ly mod­ern intel­lec­tu­al devel­op­ments. It offers a pow­er­ful alter­na­tive to the con­ven­tion­al under­stand­ing of late impe­r­i­al Chi­nese intel­lec­tu­al his­to­ry by focus­ing on the meth­ods of schol­ar­ly prac­tice and the bound­aries by which con­tem­po­rary thinkers defined their field of study.
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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2022.10

Loan­words and native words in Old and Mid­dle Ice­landic: a study in the his­to­ry and dynam­ics of the Ice­landic medieval lex­i­con, from the twelfth cen­tu­ry to 1550
BuchcoverAny­one famil­iar with the Mod­ern Ice­landic lan­guage will know that the country’s pol­i­cy is to avoid bor­row­ing lex­emes from oth­er lan­guages, and instead to draw on their own vocab­u­lary. This often results in the for­ma­tion of a word pair, con­sist­ing of a loan­word and its respec­tive native equiv­a­lent, as the process of bor­row­ing sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly eludes the tight tan­gles of lan­guage pol­i­cy. But how did this phe­nom­e­non devel­op in the Mid­dle Ages, before a purist ide­ol­o­gy was formed?
This vol­ume offers a unique analy­sis of a pre­vi­ous­ly unex­plored area of Old Norse lin­guis­tics by inves­ti­gat­ing the way in which loan­words and native syn­onyms inter­act­ed in the Mid­dle Ages. Through a lin­guis­tic-philo­log­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion of texts from all medieval Ice­landic prose gen­res, the book maps out the strate­gies by which the vari­a­tion and inter­play between loan­words and native words were man­i­fest­ed in medieval Ice­land and sug­gests that it is pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy the same dynam­ics in oth­er lan­guages with a com­pa­ra­ble lit­er­ary tra­di­tion. In doing so, new light is shed on lan­guage devel­op­ment and usage in the Mid­dle Ages, and the gap between case-study and gen­er­al lin­guis­tic the­o­ry is bridged over.
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Insel­ro­mane: Adam Oehlen­schlägers Roman Die Inseln im Süd­meere / Øen i Syd­havet im Dia­log mit J. G. Schn­abels Insel Felsen­burg
BuchcoverDer dänis­che Dichter Adam Oehlen­schläger gab seinen einzi­gen Roman Die Inseln im Süd­meere (1826) in zwei Sprachen her­aus, wobei er zunächst die deutsche Fas­sung schrieb und erst danach die dänis­che Ver­sion unter dem Titel Øen i Syd­havet ver­fasste, die 1824/25, also vor der deutschen Aus­gabe erschien. Auf der Basis von Johann Got­tfried Schn­abels Insel Felsen­burg gestal­tete der Autor ein völ­lig neues Werk, das in sein­er Fülle von Reflex­io­nen, Prä­tex­ten, Zitat­en, lyrischen Ein­la­gen, Nov­ellen etc. unter Ein­bezug von Schn­abels zen­tralen Struk­turen und Haupt­fig­uren als vielschichtiger und dynamis­ch­er Text erscheint, der aber bish­er sowohl beim Lesepub­likum wie in der Forschung nur wenig Beach­tung gefun­den hat. Die vor­liegende Unter­suchung beleuchtet anhand von Bachtins und Kris­tevas Poly­phonie- und Inter­tex­tu­al­ität­s­the­o­rien die Mehrstim­migkeit und Vielfalt des Romans, wobei die Zweis­prachigkeit eben­so ein­be­zo­gen wird wie die ver­schiede­nen Fas­sun­gen, die von der Erstaus­gabe teil­weise stark abwe­ichen. Detail­lierte Analy­sen zeigen, dass der Roman zu sein­er Zeit neuar­tige lit­er­arische Ver­fahren für die Textpro­duk­tion frucht­bar machte.
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Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Nordis­che Philolo­gie ent­deck­en!



Nachrichten aus Übersee: „Historical Newspapers. The Zeit.Punkt NRW-Portal“

Das Zeitungsportal NRW hat inzwis­chen auch die Vere­inigten Staat­en von Ameri­ka erre­icht! Lin­da Rath hat im Rah­men eines Prak­tikums am Ger­man His­tor­i­cal Insti­tute Wash­ing­ton DC in Zusam­me­nar­beit mit der ULB Mün­ster einen lesenswerten Blog­Post erstellt und veröf­fentlicht.

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zum Zeitungsportal NRW

About Href
A research blog on access­ing, inter­pret­ing, adapt­ing, and pub­lish­ing dig­i­tized pri­ma­ry sources to study, teach, and research Ger­man and glob­al his­to­ry.



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2022.10

Super­par­ti­cles: a microse­man­tic the­o­ry, typol­o­gy, and his­to­ry of log­i­cal atoms
BuchcoverThis book is all about the cap­ti­vat­ing abil­i­ty that the human lan­guage has to express intri­cate­ly log­i­cal (math­e­mat­i­cal) mean­ings using tiny (microse­man­tic) mor­phemes as util­i­ties. Lan­guages mark mean­ings with iden­ti­cal infer­ences using iden­ti­cal par­ti­cles and these par­ti­cles thus creep up in a wide array of expres­sions. Because of their mul­ti-task­ing capac­i­ty to express seem­ing­ly dis­parate mean­ings, they are dubbed Super­par­ti­cles. These par­ti­cles are per­fect win­dows into the inter­lock of sev­er­al gram­mat­i­cal mod­ules and the nature of the inter­ac­tion of these mod­ules through time. With a firm foot­ing in the mod­ule where gram­mat­i­cal bones are built and assem­bled (nar­row mor­pho-syn­tax), super­par­ti­cles acquire var­ied inter­pre­ta­tion (in the con­cep­tu­al-inten­tion­al mod­ule – seman­tics) depend­ing on the struc­ture they fea­ture in. What is more, some of the inter­pre­ta­tions these par­ti­cles trig­ger are infer­en­tial and belong, under the stan­dard account, to the realm of prag­mat­ics. How can such tiny par­ti­cles, rarely exceed­ing a syl­la­ble of sound, have such pow­er­ful and over-arch­ing effects across the inter-mod­u­lar gram­mat­i­cal space? This is the Pla­ton­ic back­ground against which this book is set.
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Fed­ern Lesen: eine Lit­er­aturgeschichte des Gänsekiels von den Anfän­gen bis ins 19. Jahrhun­dert
BuchcoverVom Mit­te­lal­ter bis zur Ein­führung der Stahlfed­er im 19. Jahrhun­dert war die Gänsefed­er das meist­ge­brauchte Schreib­w­erkzeug in Europa. Doch um als Schreibfed­er genutzt wer­den zu kön­nen, musste der Gänsekiel mit großem Kön­nen zuge­spitzt und bear­beit­et wer­den. Das Wis­sen um die Tech­niken der Fer­ti­gung und des Gebrauchs sind größ­ten­teils ver­schollen.
Mar­ti­na Wern­li hat inten­siv geforscht und ver­sam­melt nun Quellen aus unter­schiedlichen Sprachen. Sie zeigt, wie die Gänsefed­er die europäis­che Schriftkul­tur über Jahrhun­derte geprägt hat und wie dem Schreib­w­erkzeug von Anfang an zudem eine über­tra­gene Bedeu­tung zukam, denn die Fed­er ste­ht auch für Schreibprozesse und lit­er­arisches Schreiben selb­st. Die kom­para­tis­tisch aus­gerichtete Analyse verdeut­licht, wie sich in der Fed­er bildlich­es Sprechen und materielle Grund­lage gegen­seit­ig bedin­gen. Eine span­nende Ding‑, Medien‑, Technik‑, Kul­tur- und Lit­er­aturgeschichte.
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Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Sprach- und Lit­er­atur­wis­senschaften all­ge­mein ent­deck­en!



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Digital Humanities 2022.10

Human­i­ties Data Analy­sis: Case Stud­ies With Python
BuchcoverThe use of quan­ti­ta­tive meth­ods in the human­i­ties and relat­ed social sci­ences has increased con­sid­er­ably in recent years, allow­ing researchers to dis­cov­er pat­terns in a vast range of source mate­ri­als. Despite this growth, there are few resources addressed to stu­dents and schol­ars who wish to take advan­tage of these pow­er­ful tools. Human­i­ties Data Analy­sis offers the first inter­me­di­ate-lev­el guide to quan­ti­ta­tive data analy­sis for human­i­ties stu­dents and schol­ars using the Python pro­gram­ming lan­guage. This prac­ti­cal text­book, which assumes a basic knowl­edge of Python, teach­es read­ers the nec­es­sary skills for con­duct­ing human­i­ties research in the rapid­ly devel­op­ing dig­i­tal envi­ron­ment.
The book begins with an overview of the place of data sci­ence in the human­i­ties, and pro­ceeds to cov­er data car­pen­try: the essen­tial tech­niques for gath­er­ing, clean­ing, rep­re­sent­ing, and trans­form­ing tex­tu­al and tab­u­lar data. Then, draw­ing from real-world, pub­licly avail­able data sets that cov­er a vari­ety of schol­ar­ly domains, the book delves into detailed case stud­ies. Focus­ing on tex­tu­al data analy­sis, the authors explore such diverse top­ics as net­work analy­sis, genre the­o­ry, ono­mas­tics, lit­er­a­cy, author attri­bu­tion, map­ping, sty­lom­e­try, top­ic mod­el­ing, and time series analy­sis. Exer­cis­es and resources for fur­ther read­ing are pro­vid­ed at the end of each
An ide­al resource for human­i­ties stu­dents and schol­ars aim­ing to take their Python skills to the next lev­el, Human­i­ties Data Analy­sis illus­trates the ben­e­fits that quan­ti­ta­tive meth­ods can bring to com­plex research ques­tions.
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Research meth­ods for dig­i­tal dis­course analy­sis
BuchcoverIntro­duc­ing the key ques­tions and chal­lenges faced by the researcher of dig­i­tal dis­course, this book pro­vides an overview of the dif­fer­ent method­olog­i­cal dimen­sions asso­ci­at­ed with this type of research. Bring­ing togeth­er a team of experts, chap­ters guide stu­dents and novice researchers through how to con­duct rig­or­ous, accu­rate, and eth­i­cal research with data from a wide range of online plat­forms, includ­ing Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, YouTube, and online dat­ing apps.
Research Meth­ods for Dig­i­tal Dis­course Analy­sis focus­es on the key issues that any dig­i­tal dis­course ana­lyst must con­sid­er, before tack­ling more spe­cif­ic top­ics and approach­es, includ­ing how to work with mul­ti­lin­gual or mul­ti­modal data. Empha­siz­ing con­crete, prac­ti­cal advice and illus­trat­ed with plen­ti­ful exam­ples from research stud­ies, each chap­ter intro­duces a new research dimen­sion for con­sid­er­a­tion, briefly explor­ing how oth­er dis­course ana­lysts have approached the top­ic before using an in-depth case study to high­light the main chal­lenges and pro­vide guid­ance on method­olog­i­cal deci­sion-mak­ing. Sup­port­ed by a range of ped­a­gog­i­cal tools, includ­ing dis­cus­sion ques­tions and anno­tat­ed fur­ther-read­ing lists, this book is an essen­tial resource for stu­dents and any researcher new to ana­lyz­ing dig­i­tal dis­course.
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Weit­ere Titel zu den Dig­i­tal Human­i­ties find­en Sie z.B. über eine Suche im Kat­a­log­Plus.



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Germanistik 2022.10

Ger­many from the out­side: rethink­ing Ger­man cul­tur­al his­to­ry in an age of dis­place­ment
BuchcoverThe nation-state is a Euro­pean inven­tion of the 18th and 19th cen­turies. In the case of the Ger­man nation in par­tic­u­lar, this inven­tion was tied close­ly to the idea of a homo­ge­neous Ger­man cul­ture with a strong nor­ma­tive func­tion. As a con­se­quence, his­to­ries of Ger­man cul­ture and lit­er­a­ture often are told from the inside—as the unfold­ing of a canon of works rep­re­sent­ing cer­tain core val­ues, with which every per­son who con­sid­ers him or her­self “Ger­man” nec­es­sar­i­ly must iden­ti­fy. But what hap­pens if we describe Ger­man cul­ture and its his­to­ry from the out­side? And as some­thing het­ero­ge­neous, shaped by mul­ti­ple and diverse sources, many of which are not obvi­ous­ly con­nect­ed to things tra­di­tion­al­ly con­sid­ered “Ger­man”?
Empha­siz­ing cur­rent issues of migra­tion, dis­place­ment, sys­temic injus­tice, and belong­ing, Ger­many from the Out­side explores new oppor­tu­ni­ties for under­stand­ing and shap­ing com­mu­ni­ty at a time when many are ques­tion­ing the abil­i­ty of cul­tur­al prac­tices to effect struc­tur­al change. Locat­ed at the nexus of cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal, his­to­ri­o­graph­i­cal, and philo­soph­i­cal dis­cours­es, the essays in this vol­ume inform dis­cus­sions about next direc­tions for Ger­man Stud­ies and for the Human­i­ties in a fraught era.
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Müt­ter – Die Geniefig­ur in der deutschsprachi­gen Lit­er­atur 1750–1950: Ver­such ein­er ana­lytis­chen Neube­w­er­tung
BuchcoverDas „Genie“ als etwas Gebären­des, Lebens-Ver­ant­wor­tendes – und damit Müt­ter­lich­es? Auf dieser Grund­lage wirft die Studie einen neuen Blick auf die Geniefig­ur in der deutschsprachi­gen Lit­er­atur von 1750–1950. Den Aus­gangspunkt bildet eine Über­legung von Julia Kris­te­va, die um 2000 mit „Das weib­liche Genie“ dem tradierten Männlichkeitspar­a­dig­ma vom „Genie“ eine andere Sichtweise zur Seite stellt: Das „weib­liche Genie“ ist in sein­er Verkör­pe­rung als „Frau und Mut­ter“ dazu fähig, das men­schliche Sub­jekt sub­stanziell zu bee­in­flussen, ja zu verän­dern. „Genie“ wurde bish­er nicht als Aus­druck­sträger ein­er absoluten Sub­jek­tiv­ität gese­hen und man hat lange die geschlechtsspez­i­fis­che Imma­nenz des Geniebe­griffs unter­schätzt. Die Unter­suchung ver­sucht diese Forschungslück­en anhand der Analyse von 20 aus­gewählten Kanon­tex­ten aus der deutschsprachi­gen Erzähl- und Dra­men­lit­er­atur zu schließen. Darunter sind Texte, die für die Geni­ethe­matik bis heute maßge­blich sind, wie Goethes „Faust I“, E. T. A. Hoff­manns „Kater Murr“, Niet­zsches „Zarathus­tra“, Musils „Mann ohne Eigen­schaften“ oder Th. Manns „Dok­tor Faus­tus“, aber auch Texte, die bis­lang nicht mit „Genie“ ver­bun­den wor­den sind, wie Klop­stocks „Mes­sias“, Jean Pauls „Schul­meis­ter­lein Wutz“, Bonaven­turas „Nachtwachen“, Jahnns „Fluß ohne Ufer“ oder Max Frischs „Homo faber“.
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Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Ger­man­is­tik ent­deck­en!



Buntes aus Westfalen: „Edith Piaf. Ich singe um mein Leben gern“

In der Kat­e­gorie „Buntes aus West­falen“ bericht­en wir über (teils kuriose) Neuer­schei­n­un­gen, die wir als Lan­des­bib­lio­thek im Rah­men des Pflich­tex­em­plar­recht­es (das gibt es schon seit 1824!) als kosten­lose Belegex­em­plare aus west­fälis­chen Ver­la­gen und/oder Selb­stver­legern erhal­ten.

Aus dem Klap­pen­text:

Edith wächst ohne Mut­ter und mit einem alko­holkranken Vater auf. Ihr Leben ist geprägt von Ein­samkeit, Lieblosigkeit und Alko­hol. Das einzige, was Edith kann, ist Sin­gen. Mit ihrer Stimme ermöglicht sie sich ein Stück Frei­heit und Selb­stach­tung. Edith Piaf wird schließlich berühmt. Sie gibt unzäh­lige Konz­erte. Ihre Stimme geht um die ganze Welt. Jed­er ken­nt sie als den Spatz von Paris. Und doch holt ihre Kind­heit sie immer wieder ein. Ihre Sehn­sucht nach Liebe ist unstill­bar. Und so muss Edith Piaf um ihr Leben sin­gen.

zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site



Kennen Sie schon … das Decameron Web?

Das Decameron Web, entwick­elt vom Vir­tu­al Human­i­ties Lab des Ital­ian Stud­ies Depart­ment der Brown Uni­ver­si­ty in Prov­i­dence in den USA, enthält die Voll­texte von Boc­cac­cios Werken „Il Decamerone“, „Il Cor­bac­cio“ und „Ele­gia di Madon­na Fiammet­ta“ sowie zwei englis­che Über­set­zun­gen des „Decameron”. Außer­dem gibt es eine Konko­r­danz des „Decameron” und zahlre­iche Hin­ter­grund­in­for­ma­tio­nen zum Autor und dem Kon­text seines Werks, Lehr­ma­te­ri­alien sowie eine umfan­gre­iche Forschungs­bib­li­ogra­phie (die allerd­ings nicht mehr aktu­al­isiert wird).

Few great books like the Decameron have shaped our very notion of sto­ry­telling and its cru­cial role in the nego­ti­a­tion and pro­duc­tion of shared social and cul­tur­al val­ues. In its hun­dred sto­ries, shared in ten days by ten young peo­ple escap­ing the Plague in mid-14th-cen­tu­ry Flo­rence, it com­bines sheer enter­tain­ment with a mean­ing­ful human­is­tic mes­sage. A trib­ute to human inge­nu­ity, an epic mas­ter­piece of a ris­ing, dynam­ic mer­can­tile soci­ety that pur­sues plea­sure while being threat­ened by sud­den extinc­tion, the Decameron can be read as a trans­gres­sive and escapist man­u­al of behav­ior as well as a bre­viary of moral predica­ments intend­ed for a sec­u­lar, unprej­u­diced read­er. As one crit­ic (Gui­do Alman­si) put it: „The text can per­haps give the impres­sion of being out­ra­geous­ly amoral; our read­ing, on the oth­er hand, can turn into eth­i­cal med­i­ta­tion; the for­mer does not exclude the oth­er.“ In his West­ern Canon Harold Bloom thus recent­ly acknowl­edges the cru­cial posi­tion of Boccaccio’s Decameron : „Iron­ic sto­ry­telling whose sub­ject is sto­ry­telling is pret­ty much Boccaccio’s inven­tion, and the pur­pose of this break­through was to free sto­ries from didac­ti­cism and moral­ism, so that the lis­ten­er or read­er, not the sto­ry­teller, became respon­si­ble for their use, for good or for ill.“ The Decameron has elicit­ed through­out the cen­turies fun­da­men­tal dis­cus­sions on the nature of nar­ra­tive art, on the tenets of medieval ver­sus mod­ern moral­i­ty, on the social and edu­ca­tion­al val­ue of any form of artis­tic and lit­er­ary expres­sion. A true ency­clo­pe­dia of ear­ly mod­ern life and a sum­ma of late medieval cul­ture, the Decameron is also a uni­ver­sal reper­to­ry of peren­ni­al­ly human sit­u­a­tions and dilem­mas: it is the per­fect sub­ject for an exper­i­ment in a new form of schol­ar­ly and ped­a­gog­i­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion aimed at renew­ing a liv­ing dia­logue between a dis­tant past and our present.

The guid­ing ques­tion of our project is how con­tem­po­rary infor­ma­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy can facil­i­tate, enhance and inno­vate the com­plex cog­ni­tive and learn­ing activ­i­ties involved in read­ing a late medieval lit­er­ary text like Boccaccio’s Decameron. We believe that the new elec­tron­ic envi­ron­ment and its tools enable us to revive the human­is­tic spir­it of com­mu­nal and col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly „play­ful“ learn­ing of which the Decameron itself is the utmost expres­sion. Through a cre­ative use of tech­nol­o­gy, our project pro­vides the read­er with an eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and flex­i­ble yet well-struc­tured wealth of infor­ma­tion on the lit­er­ary, his­tor­i­cal and cul­tur­al con­text of the Decameron, thus allow­ing a vivid yet rig­or­ous­ly philo­log­i­cal under­stand­ing of the past in which the work was con­ceived. At the same time, our project is meant to facil­i­tate the cre­ative expres­sion of a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of per­spec­tives which ani­mate our con­tem­po­rary read­ings. By rec­on­cil­ing in a col­lab­o­ra­tive fash­ion the reader’s free­dom with a sound cog­ni­tion of seri­ous, schol­ar­ly achieve­ments in the study of the Decameron, our project is also an exam­ple of how new tech­nolo­gies can pro­vide an inno­v­a­tive ped­a­gog­i­cal medi­um for a ful­fill­ing edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ence based on a lit­er­ary text that is open to a vari­ety of cul­tur­al inter­ests and lev­els of learn­ing.

Intend­ed pri­ma­ry ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the project are col­lege and high school teach­ers and stu­dents, but inde­pen­dent read­ers and schol­ars inter­est­ed in the Decameron itself or aspects of it that are relat­ed to their spe­cif­ic areas of inter­est will ben­e­fit from it, regard­less of their geo­graph­ic loca­tion or insti­tu­tion­al affil­i­a­tion. Our group and class­room at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty will serve as the gate­way to a vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty of read­ers and stu­dents of the Decameron who are engaged in a vari­ety of didac­tic and schol­ar­ly pur­suits and as a forum for dis­cus­sions of their method­olo­gies and crit­i­cal per­spec­tives. In short, we believe that our project can pro­vide its ben­e­fi­cia­ries with a sort of spe­cial­ized book­shelf or mini-library gen­er­at­ed from and exist­ing along­side a read­ing of Boccaccio’s mas­ter­piece. This mini-library or vir­tu­al ency­clo­pe­dia includes the text in its estab­lished crit­i­cal edi­tion (Bran­ca), sources, trans­la­tions, anno­ta­tions and com­men­taries, bib­li­ogra­phies, a grow­ing selec­tion of crit­i­cal and inter­pre­tive essays, as well as visu­al and audio mate­ri­als. These resources are all hyper­tex­tu­al­ly linked and com­ple­ment­ed by a vari­ety of ana­lyt­i­cal tools and search engines meant to make your explo­ration of the site easy and reward­ing. Most impor­tant­ly, we con­ceive of this cor­pus and its basic struc­ture as a point of depar­ture for a wide range of col­lab­o­ra­tive activ­i­ties which will enhance the project’s future growth accord­ing to the inter­ests and con­tri­bu­tions of the vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty of stu­dents, teach­ers, schol­ars and read­ers of the Decameron. To this end, we warm­ly encour­age all of our users to make full use of these mate­ri­als and to par­tic­i­pate active­ly in the site’s expan­sion. Please feel free to send us your com­ments, ideas and, if you like, even con­tri­bu­tions to be added to what is already here.


Kennen Sie schon … den Podcast „Mekka und Jerusalem“?

Der Pod­cast „Mek­ka und Jerusalem“ ist Teil des „Hei­del­berg­er Bünd­niss­es für Jüdisch-Mus­lim­is­che Beziehun­gen“:

Mith­il­fe ein­er Radiosendung / eines Pod­cast (pro­duziert in Zusam­me­nar­beit mit dem Hes­sis­chen Rund­funk) zielt das Pro­jekt darauf ab, die Forschung über jüdisch-mus­lim­is­che Beziehun­gen einem bre­it­en und nich­takademis­chen Pub­likum zugänglich zu machen.

Es soll die zunehmende Ent­frem­dung zwis­chen Juden und Mus­li­men in Deutsch­land the­ma­tisiert wer­den, die durch Islam­o­pho­bie, mus­lim­is­chen Anti­semitismus und den Kon­flikt im Nahen Osten ver­stärkt wird.
Dabei wird sich das Pro­jekt auf die philosophis­che, kul­turelle und poli­tis­che Dimen­sion der jüdis­chen-mus­lim­is­chen Beziehun­gen konzen­tri­eren und das kom­plexe Ver­hält­nis aus der Per­spek­tive der Judais­tik, der Islamwissenschaft/Islamischen The­olo­gie, der Israel­stu­di­en und der Nahost­stu­di­en unter­suchen.

Gle­ichzeit­ig möchte das Pod­cast-Pro­jekt eine Plat­tform für alter­na­tive wis­senschaftliche Stim­men schaf­fen, die den Diskurs inner­halb bei­der Com­mu­ni­ties bere­ich­ern.

Weit­ere Koop­er­a­tionspart­ner neben dem Hes­sis­chen Rund­funk sind das Sem­i­nar für Sprachen und Kul­turen des Vorderen Ori­ents – Islamwis­senschaft, Ruprecht-Karls- Uni­ver­sität Hei­del­berg und das Insti­tut für Stu­di­en der Kul­tur und Reli­gion des Islam, Goethe Uni­ver­sität Frank­furt.



Open-Access-Bücher zur Sprachwissenschaft

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

The Origins of Self: An Anthropological Perspective

Mar­tin P. J. Edwardes |

The Ori­gins of Self explores the role that self­hood plays in defin­ing human soci­ety, and each human indi­vid­ual in that soci­ety. It con­sid­ers the genet­ic and cul­tur­al ori­gins of self, the role that self plays in social­i­sa­tion and lan­guage, and the types of self we gen­er­ate in our indi­vid­ual jour­neys to and through adult­hood.

Edwardes argues that oth­er aware­ness is a rel­a­tive­ly ear­ly evo­lu­tion­ary devel­op­ment, present through­out the pri­mate clade and per­haps beyond, but self-aware­ness is a prod­uct of the shar­ing of social mod­els, some­thing only humans appear to do. The self of which we are aware is not some­thing innate with­in us, it is a mod­el of our self pro­duced as a response to the mod­els of us offered to us by oth­er peo­ple. Edwarde­spro­pos­es that human con­struc­tion of self­hood involves sev­en dif­fer­ent types of self. All but one of them are inter­nal­ly gen­er­at­ed mod­els, and the only non-mod­el, the actu­al self, is com­plete­ly hid­den from con­scious aware­ness. We rely on oth­ers to tell us about our self, and even to let us know we are a self.Developed in rela­tion to a range of sub­ject areas – lin­guis­tics, anthro­pol­o­gy, genomics and cog­ni­tion, as well as socio-cul­tur­al the­o­ry – The Ori­gins of Self is of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to stu­dents and researchers study­ing the ori­gins of lan­guage, human ori­gins in gen­er­al, and the cog­ni­tive dif­fer­ences between human and oth­er ani­mal psy­cholo­gies.

Corpus linguistics: A guide to the methodology

Ana­tol Ste­fanow­itsch |

Cor­po­ra are wide­ly used in lin­guis­tics, but not always wise­ly. This book attempts to frame cor­pus lin­guis­tics sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly as a vari­ant of the obser­va­tion­al method. The first part intro­duces the read­er to the gen­er­al method­olog­i­cal dis­cus­sions sur­round­ing cor­pus data as well as the prac­tice of doing cor­pus lin­guis­tics, includ­ing issues such as the sci­en­tif­ic research cycle, research design, extrac­tion of cor­pus data and sta­tis­ti­cal eval­u­a­tion. The sec­ond part con­sists of a num­ber of case stud­ies from the main areas of cor­pus lin­guis­tics (lex­i­cal asso­ci­a­tions, mor­phol­o­gy, gram­mar, text and metaphor), sur­vey­ing the range of issues stud­ied in cor­pus lin­guis­tics while at the same time show­ing how they fit into the method­ol­o­gy out­lined in the first part.

Linguistics for the age of AI

Mar­jorie McShane & Sergei Niren­burg |

One of the orig­i­nal goals of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence research was to endow intel­li­gent agents with human-lev­el nat­ur­al lan­guage capa­bil­i­ties. Recent AI research, how­ev­er, has focused on apply­ing sta­tis­ti­cal and machine learn­ing approach­es to big data rather than attempt­ing to mod­el what peo­ple do and how they do it. In this book, Mar­jorie McShane and Sergei Niren­burg return to the orig­i­nal goal of recre­at­ing human-lev­el intel­li­gence in a machine. They present a human-inspired, lin­guis­ti­cal­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed mod­el of lan­guage under­stand­ing for intel­li­gent agent sys­tems that empha­sizes meaning—the deep, con­text-sen­si­tive mean­ing that a per­son derives from spo­ken or writ­ten lan­guage.

With Lin­guis­tics for the Age of AI, McShane and Niren­burg offer a roadmap for cre­at­ing lan­guage-endowed intel­li­gent agents (LEIAs) that can understand,explain, and learn. They describe the lan­guage-under­stand­ing capa­bil­i­ties of LEIAs from the per­spec­tives of cog­ni­tive mod­el­ing and sys­tem build­ing, empha­siz­ing “actionability”—which involves achiev­ing inter­pre­ta­tions that are suf­fi­cient­ly deep, pre­cise, and con­fi­dent to sup­port rea­son­ing about action. After detail­ing their microthe­o­ries for top­ics such as seman­tic analy­sis, basic coref­er­ence, and sit­u­a­tion­al rea­son­ing, McShane and Niren­burg turn to agent appli­ca­tions devel­oped using those microthe­o­ries and eval­u­a­tions of a LEIA’s lan­guage under­stand­ing capa­bil­i­ties.

McShane and Niren­burg argue that the only way to achieve human-lev­el lan­guage under­stand­ing by machines is to place lin­guis­tics front and cen­ter, using sta­tis­tics and big data as con­tribut­ing resources. They lay out a long-term research pro­gram that address­es lin­guis­tics and real-world rea­son­ing togeth­er, with­in a com­pre­hen­sive cog­ni­tive archi­tec­ture.



SWR2 Wissen: „Schlecht- oder Rechtschreiben – Provokante Thesen zur Orthografie“

Logo SWR2 bei Wikimedia Commons„In der Schule spielt Orthografie eine wichtige Rolle. Kinder sollen fehler­frei schreiben. Muss das wirk­lich sein? Der Anglist Wern­er Schäfer hat sich darüber Gedanken gemacht.

Rechtschrei­bung ist nicht so wichtig
Jeden­falls nicht, wenn man sie in Rela­tion zu anderen sprach­lichen Fer­tigkeit­en set­zt. Ob man Wei­h­nacht­en mit oder ohne <h> schreibt, ist dann nicht mehr ganz so wichtig.

Immer­hin hat es in diesem Land schon ein­mal jemand, der Wei­h­nacht­en ohne <h> schreibt, zum Bun­deskan­zler gebracht.

Wir wer­den keine Rechtschreibfehler mehr machen
In der Zukun­ft wird es – vielle­icht – kein Aufreger mehr sein, wenn wir falsch schreiben. Warum? Weil wir keine Fehler mehr machen. 

Wir wer­den den Lehrer/Lektor/Korrektor ständig bei uns haben. Keinen men­schlichen Lehrer/Lektor/Korrektor, son­dern einen kün­stlichen. Der stellt sich­er, dass alles seine Richtigkeit hat.

Schreiben­lern-Meth­o­d­en scheit­ern
Ein denkwürdi­ges Beispiel ist die Audi­olin­guale Meth­ode, in deren Gefolge Sprach­la­bore in die Schulen kamen. Nach­dem die Meth­ode ihren Zen­it über­schrit­ten hat­te, waren diese oft in einem jäm­mer­lichen Zus­tand und ver­schwan­den schließlich wieder. Von dem ursprünglichen Enthu­si­as­mus war nichts mehr übrig geblieben.

Dieses Muster sollte sich dann immer wieder­holen. Bis man an der Zauberkraft von Meth­o­d­en zu zweifeln begann.
Der Blick richtete sich jet­zt auf den Lern­er statt auf die Meth­ode. Und in neuer­er Zeit wieder – und hier schließt sich der Kreis – auf den Lehrer.“ (SWR)

Sie kön­nen die Sendung aus dem Jahr 2018, die zulet­zt 2019 in der Rei­he „SWR2 Wis­sen“ lief, über die Seite des SWR nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden. Es gibt auch ein Manuskript zur Sendung.



Kennen Sie schon … Yellow Nineties 2.0?

Screenshot der Seite "Yellow Nineties 2.0" ( (Stand 24.8.2022

„Fin de siè­cle,“ mur­mured Lord Hen­ry.
„Fin du globe,“ answered his host­ess.
„I wish it were fin du globe,“ said Dori­an with a sigh.
„Life is a great dis­ap­point­ment.“

Oscar Wilde – The Pic­ture of Dori­an Gray

Kein “dis­ap­point­ment” für alle, die sich für die Zeit des Fin de Siè­cle (ca. 1880–1900) in Eng­land inter­essieren, ist die Seite Yel­low Nineties 2.0:
Sie umfasst Dig­i­tal­isate zeit­genös­sis­ch­er Jour­nale wie The Yel­low Book und The Savoy und verze­ich­net Orna­mente, die in diesen Jour­nalen als Buch­schmuck ver­wen­det wur­den.
Auch bietet Yel­low Nineties 2.0 eine Vielzahl an aus­führlichen Biogra­phien und Bib­li­ogra­phien zu Per­sön­lichkeit­en des Fin de Siè­cle von Oscar Wilde bis hin zu vergesse­nen Autoren wie Theodore Wratis­law.

Auf der Seite find­en sich auch Essays, in dem das kanadis­che her­aus­gebende Team die Dig­i­tal-Human­i­ties-Aspek­te des Pro­jek­tes reflek­tiert sowie ein „Y90s Class­room“, in dem stu­den­tis­che Essays und Pro­jek­te zum The­ma veröf­fentlich sind.

Gast­beitrag von Miri­am Lahrsow