Access to the university network and use of e-resources
In our category "research" you will find a variety of electronic offers: catalogues, bibliographies, lexica, full text databases, journals, etc. Not all offers are freely usable on the internet.
For licensing reasons, numerous journals and databases are only available on the university network. The IP address of the computer from which the user accesses the product is the test criterion for the access authorization. Therefore, the products purchased and licensed by the ULB may only be used from PCs of the domain "" ("128.176.*.*").
Members of the university: You have unhindered access to these products on the PCs in the ULB or in the PC rooms of the University of Münster. When you are working on your own PC, you have to connect it to the computer network of the university via Wi-Fi or VPN beforehand.
External users: Users of the ULB who are not members of the university have access to the university network at the PCs in the ULB.
Some journals and databases are available via the VMware Horizon Client or Shibboleth for members of the university.
Internet-enabled PC in the ULB
Your laptop in the ULB
A computer somewhere in the University
From home or outside
VMware Horizon Client (for CD-ROM databases)
External users