

Kennen Sie schon … das Video- und Performance-Archiv „Global Shakespeares“ des MIT?

Logo "MIT Global Shakespeares",

„The Glob­al Shake­spear­es Video & Per­for­mance Archive is a col­lab­o­ra­tive project pro­vid­ing online access to per­for­mances of Shake­speare from many parts of the world as well as essays and meta­da­ta pro­vid­ed by schol­ars and edu­ca­tors in the field.
The idea that Shake­speare is a glob­al author has tak­en many forms since the build­ing of the Globe play­house. Our work hon­ors the fact and demon­strates the diver­si­ty of the world-wide recep­tion and pro­duc­tion of Shakespeare’s plays in ways that we hope will nour­ish the remark­able array of new forms of cul­tur­al exchange that the dig­i­tal age has made pos­si­ble.
Glob­al Shake­spear­es is a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry mul­ti-cen­tric net­worked mod­el that offers wide access to inter­na­tion­al per­for­mances that are chang­ing how we under­stand Shakespeare’s plays and the world.“

Das Archiv umfasst derzeit rund 300 Pro­duk­tio­nen und zahlre­iche Essays, Inter­views und weit­ere Mate­ri­alien.

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