

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2019.7


The syn­tax of main­land Scan­di­na­vian
This book explores the syn­tac­tic struc­tures of Main­land Scan­di­na­vian, a term that cov­ers the North­ern Ger­man­ic lan­guages spo­ken in Den­mark, Nor­way, Swe­den, and parts of Fin­land. The con­tin­u­um of mutu­al­ly intel­li­gi­ble stan­dard lan­guages, region­al vari­eties, and dialects stretch­ing from south­ern Jut­land to east­ern Fin­land share many syn­tac­tic pat­terns and fea­tures, but also present inter­est­ing syn­tac­tic dif­fer­ences. In this vol­ume, Jan Ter­je Faar­lund dis­cuss­es the main syn­tac­tic fea­tures of the nation­al lan­guages, along­side the most wide­spread or typo­log­i­cal­ly inter­est­ing fea­tures of the non-stan­dard vari­eties. Each top­ic is illus­trat­ed with exam­ples drawn from ref­er­ence gram­mars, research lit­er­a­ture, cor­po­ra of var­i­ous sorts, and the author’s own research. The frame­work is cur­rent gen­er­a­tive gram­mar, but the vol­ume is descrip­tive in nature, with tech­ni­cal for­mal­i­ties and the­o­ret­i­cal dis­cus­sion kept to a min­i­mum. It will hence be a valu­able ref­er­ence for stu­dents and researchers work­ing on any Scan­di­na­vian lan­guage, as well as for syn­tac­ti­cians and typol­o­gists inter­est­ed in Scan­di­na­vian facts and data with­out nec­es­sar­i­ly being able to read Scan­di­na­vian.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Men and mas­culin­i­ties in the sagas of Ice­landers
This vol­ume is the first book-length study of mas­culin­i­ties in the Sagas of Ice­landers. Span­ning the entire cor­pus of the Sagas of Icelanders—and tak­ing into account a num­ber of lit­tle-stud­ied sagas as well as the more well-known works—it com­pre­hen­sive­ly inter­ro­gates the con­struc­tion, oper­a­tion, and prob­lema­ti­za­tion of mas­culin­i­ties in this genre.
Men and Mas­culin­i­ties in the Sagas of Ice­landers elu­ci­dates the dom­i­nant mod­el of mas­culin­i­ty that oper­ates in the sagas, demon­strates how mas­culin­i­ties and mas­cu­line char­ac­ters func­tion with­in these texts, and inves­ti­gates the means by which the sagas, and saga char­ac­ters, may sub­vert mas­cu­line dom­i­nance. Com­bin­ing close lit­er­ary analy­sis with insights drawn from soci­o­log­i­cal the­o­ries of hege­mon­ic and sub­or­di­nat­ed mas­culin­i­ties, notions of homoso­cial­i­ty and per­for­ma­tive gen­der, and psy­cho­an­a­lyt­ic frame­works, the book brings to men and mas­culin­i­ties in saga lit­er­a­ture the same scruti­ny tra­di­tion­al­ly brought to the study of women and fem­i­nini­ties. Ulti­mate­ly, the vol­ume demon­strates that mas­culin­i­ty is not sim­ply glo­ri­fied in the sagas, but is rep­re­sent­ed as being both inher­ent­ly frag­ile and a bur­den to all char­ac­ters, mas­cu­line and non-mas­cu­line alike.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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