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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2019.7


Sinog­ra­phy: The Bor­row­ing and Adap­ta­tion of the Chi­nese Script
In the more than 3,000 years since its inven­tion, the Chi­nese script has been adapt­ed many times to write lan­guages oth­er than Chi­nese, includ­ing Kore­an, Viet­namese, Japan­ese, and Zhuang.
In Sinog­ra­phy: The Bor­row­ing and Adap­ta­tion of the Chi­nese Script, Zev Han­del pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of how the struc­tur­al fea­tures of these lan­guages con­strained and moti­vat­ed meth­ods of script adap­ta­tion. This com­par­a­tive study reveals the uni­ver­sal prin­ci­ples at work in the bor­row­ing of logo­graph­ic scripts. By ana­lyz­ing and explain­ing these prin­ci­ples, Han­del advances our under­stand­ing of how ear­ly writ­ing sys­tems have func­tioned and spread, pro­vid­ing a new frame­work that can be applied to the his­to­ry of scripts beyond East Asia, such as Sumer­ian and Akka­di­an cuneiform.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Yid­dish mod­ernism
Pro­ceed­ings of the 12th Ams­ter­dam Yid­dish Sym­po­sium, held in Jan­u­ary 2018, with the fol­low­ing chap­ters:
Efrat Gal-Ed: In a hey­likn mit­vokh. On a Holy Wednes­day: Itzik Manger’s Mod­ernist Moves
Karoli­na Szy­ma­ni­ak: Set­tling the Score. Mod­ernist Translin­gual Prac­tice and the Dynam­ics of Pol­ish-Yid­dish Lit­er­ary Con­tacts in the Inter­war Peri­od.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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