

Kennen Sie schon … das Projekt „Syntax of Eastern Yiddish Dialects“ (SEYD)?

Startseite des "SEYD"-Projekts, (Stand 19.6.2019)

»Syn­tax of East­ern Yid­dish Dialects« exam­ines syn­tac­tic struc­tures that can be found in the ques­tion­naires of the Lan­guage and Cul­ture Archive of Ashke­naz­ic Jew­ry.

As a main aim the project wants to map the vari­a­tion that can be found in this source of Yid­dish dialects which did not attract notice for a long time. Analy­ses of select­ed phe­nom­e­na (e.g. neg­a­tive con­cord, par­ti­cle verbs, word order, rel­a­tive claus­es) will fol­low.

The project also holds a focus on the influ­ence of the coter­ri­to­r­i­al lan­guages and the rela­tion­ship to West­ern Yid­dish and old­er stages of Yid­dish.

In coop­er­a­tion with the Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Libraries the project is asso­ci­at­ed with the chair of Yid­dish cul­ture, lan­guage, and lit­er­a­ture at the Hein­re­ich-Heine-Uni­ver­si­ty Düs­sel­dorf.

Das Pro­jek­t­team ist unter @seydproject auch auf Twit­ter zu find­en.

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