

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2019.8


Dis­cours­es of (de)legitimization: par­tic­i­pa­to­ry cul­ture in dig­i­tal con­texts
This vol­ume pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of the ways in which dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion facil­i­tate and inform dis­cours­es of legit­imiza­tion and dele­git­imiza­tion in con­tem­po­rary par­tic­i­pa­to­ry cul­tures. The book draws on mul­ti­ple the­o­ret­i­cal tra­di­tions from crit­i­cal dis­course analy­sis to allow for a greater crit­i­cal engage­ment of the ways in which val­ues are either jus­ti­fied or crit­i­cized on social media plat­forms across a vari­ety of social milieus, includ­ing the per­son­al, polit­i­cal, reli­gious, cor­po­rate, and com­mer­cial. The vol­ume high­lights data from across ten nation­al con­texts and a range of online plat­forms to demon­strate how these dis­cur­sive prac­tices man­i­fest them­selves dif­fer­ent­ly across a range of set­tings. Tak­en togeth­er, the sev­en­teen chap­ters in this book offer a more informed under­stand­ing of how these dis­cur­sive spaces help us to inter­pret the man­ner in which dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion can be used to legit­imize or dele­git­imize, mak­ing this book an ide­al resource for stu­dents and schol­ars in dis­course analy­sis, soci­olin­guis­tics, new media, and media pro­duc­tion.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Texts, Ani­mals, Envi­ron­ments: Zoopo­et­ics and Ecopo­et­ics
Texts, Ani­mals, Envi­ron­ments. Zoopo­et­ics and Ecopo­et­ics probes the mul­ti­ple links between eco­crit­i­cism and ani­mal stud­ies, assess­ing the rela­tions between ani­mals, envi­ron­ments and poet­ics. While eco­crit­i­cism usu­al­ly relies on a rela­tion­al approach to explore phe­nom­e­na relat­ed to the envi­ron­ment or ecol­o­gy more broad­ly, ani­mal stud­ies tends to exam­ine indi­vid­ual or species-spe­cif­ic aspects. As a con­se­quence, eco­crit­i­cism con­cen­trates on ecopo­et­i­cal, ani­mal stud­ies on zoopo­et­i­cal ele­ments and modes of rep­re­sen­ta­tion in lit­er­a­ture (and the arts more gen­er­al­ly). Bring­ing key con­cepts of eco­crit­i­cism and ani­mal stud­ies into dia­logue, the vol­ume explores new ways of think­ing about and read­ing texts, ani­mals, and envi­ron­ments – not as sep­a­rate enti­ties but as part of the same col­lec­tive.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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