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Kennen Sie schon … Sefaria?

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We are the Peo­ple of the Book. For thou­sands of years, our cul­ture, our tra­di­tions, and our val­ues have been trans­mit­ted through our texts. From an oral tra­di­tion to hand­writ­ten scrolls to a vast cor­pus of print­ed books, each new medi­um democ­ra­tized knowl­edge, and brought more peo­ple into the great Jew­ish con­ver­sa­tion. We are the gen­er­a­tion charged with shep­herd­ing our texts from print to dig­i­tal in a way that can expand their reach and impact in new and unprece­dent­ed ways.
Sefaria is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to build­ing the future of Jew­ish learn­ing in an open and par­tic­i­pa­to­ry way. We are assem­bling a free liv­ing library of Jew­ish texts and their inter­con­nec­tions, in Hebrew and in trans­la­tion. With these dig­i­tal texts, we can cre­ate new, inter­ac­tive inter­faces for Web, tablet and mobile, allow­ing more peo­ple to engage with the tex­tu­al trea­sures of our tra­di­tion.

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