Die VOS, kuratiert von Alan Liu, Anglist an der University of California, Santa Barbara, ist eine umfangreiche geisteswissenschaftliche Datenbank für Forschung und Lehre: Sie enthält Links zu Online-Zeitschriften, Glossaren, Textarchiven, Stellenangeboten, Online-Kursen, Konferenzankündigungen und anderem mehr.
The Voice of the Shuttle began in late 1994 as an introduction to the Web for humanists at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
It grew to over 70 pages of links to humanities and humanities-related resources on the Internet.
Its mission has been to provide a structured and briefly annotated guide to online resources that at once respects the established humanities disciplines in their professional organization and points toward the transformation of those disciplines as they interact with the sciences and social sciences and with new digital media.
VoS emphasizes both primary and secondary (or theoretical) resources, and defines its audience as people who have something to learn from a higher-education, professional approach to the humanities (which in practice has included students and instructors from the elementary school, high school, and general population sectors).
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