

Kennen Sie schon … die Language Science Press?

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Lan­guage Sci­ence Press, gegrün­det 2014 von Sprach­wis­senschaftlern, ist heute ein­er der renom­miertesten Open-Access-Ver­lage für die Sprach­wis­senschaft.

Lan­guage Sci­ence Press pub­lish­es high qual­i­ty, peer-reviewed open-access books in lin­guis­tics. All pub­li­ca­tions are free for both authors and read­ers.
Gen­er­al Edi­tors are Ste­fan Müller (HU Berlin) and Mar­tin Haspel­math (MPI for the Sci­ence of Human His­to­ry). They are sup­port­ed by a high-pro­file Advi­so­ry Board.

Our phi­los­o­phy
We believe that book pub­lish­ing should be ful­ly under the con­trol of schol­ars because most of the tra­di­tion­al tasks of prof­it-ori­ent­ed pub­lish­ers can be done more effi­cient­ly by schol­ars, at lit­tle cost due to the mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy that is rou­tine­ly avail­able at uni­ver­si­ties.
For some time now, all schol­ars have been accus­tomed to shar­ing their mate­ri­als at no cost with their col­leagues, often with the help of ser­vices like and Research­Gate. Sci­en­tif­ic pub­li­ca­tion thus no longer serves the need of dis­sem­i­nat­ing research results – its pur­pose is to make the best work promi­nent enough to help build careers and to guide schol­ars in choos­ing what to read. This task of select­ing the best work is car­ried out by the series edi­tors of Lan­guage Sci­ence Press.

Our con­di­tions
All books appear in a book series, and the series edi­tors are respon­si­ble for acquir­ing, review­ing and select­ing man­u­scripts for pub­li­ca­tion.
The authors are respon­si­ble for type­set­ting in LaTeX (togeth­er with the series edi­tors); auto­mat­ic con­ver­sion from Word is pos­si­ble in prin­ci­ple.
The work­flow is con­trolled by the pub­li­ca­tion man­age­ment sys­tem OMP (Open Mono­graph Press).
Books are freely avail­able in their PDF ver­sion; paper ver­sions can be bought from print-on-demand com­pa­nies.

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