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Kennen Sie schon … The Pulp Magazine Archive?

Cover eines Heftes von "The Shadow" (https://archive.org/details/the_shadow_32.11.01)

Im Pulp Mag­a­zine Archive find­en sich über 13.200 Hefte online, die aus ver­schiede­nen Quellen zusam­mengestellt wur­den, z.B. TheP­ulp­Net oder „The Pulp Mag­a­zines Project“.

Pulp mag­a­zines (often referred to as „the pulps“), also col­lec­tive­ly known as pulp fic­tion, refers to inex­pen­sive fic­tion mag­a­zines pub­lished from 1896 through the 1950s. The typ­i­cal pulp mag­a­zine was sev­en inch­es wide by ten inch­es high, half an inch thick, and 128 pages long. Pulps were print­ed on cheap paper with ragged, untrimmed edges.
The name pulp comes from the cheap wood pulp paper on which the mag­a­zines were print­ed. Mag­a­zines print­ed on bet­ter paper were called „glossies“ or „slicks.“ In their first decades, they were most often priced at ten cents per mag­a­zine, while com­pet­ing slicks were 25 cents apiece. Pulps were the suc­ces­sor to the pen­ny dread­fuls, dime nov­els, and short fic­tion mag­a­zines of the 19th cen­tu­ry. Although many respect­ed writ­ers wrote for pulps, the mag­a­zines are best remem­bered for their lurid and exploita­tive sto­ries and sen­sa­tion­al cov­er art. Mod­ern super­hero com­ic books are some­times con­sid­ered descen­dants of „hero pulps“; pulp mag­a­zines often fea­tured illus­trat­ed nov­el-length sto­ries of hero­ic char­ac­ters, such as The Shad­ow, Doc Sav­age, and The Phan­tom Detec­tive.


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