

Kennen Sie schon … Sophie?

Logo der Sophie Digital LIbrary

Unter dem Namen „Sophie“ wurde an der Brigham Young Uni­ver­si­ty eine „dig­i­tal library of works by ger­man-speak­ing women“ entwick­elt:

The Sophie Dig­i­tal Library is an open-access, full-text-search­able source of lit­er­a­ture writ­ten by Ger­man-speak­ing women from medieval times through the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry.
The col­lec­tion cov­ers a broad spec­trum of gen­res and is designed to show­case lit­er­ary works that have been neglect­ed for too long. These works are made avail­able both in fac­sim­i­les of their orig­i­nal for­mat, wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, as well as in a PDF tran­scrip­tion that pro­motes ease of read­ing and is amenable to key­word search­ing.

Es wer­den aber nicht nur Texte gesam­melt, son­dern auch Studierende in die Arbeit mit ein­be­zo­gen:

The Sophie Men­tored Stu­dent Research project aims to incor­po­rate men­tored research into under­grad­u­ate edu­ca­tion. In doing so, stu­dents acquire pro­fi­cien­cy in library research, doc­u­ment col­lec­tion, edit­ing, ana­lyt­i­cal writ­ing as well as expand­ing their sub­ject knowl­edge.
In doing this, the Sophie Dig­i­tal Library pre­serves a num­ber of ear­ly Ger­man-lan­guage cre­ative works which might oth­er­wise be lost, mak­ing them eas­i­ly avail­able from a sin­gle source, at no cost to users.

Derzeit – Ende 2019 – wer­den die im Pro­jekt gesam­melten Werke zusam­menge­führt mit denen, die im Sophie Schol­ars Archive gesam­melt wur­den.
Es gibt auch ein Jour­nal zum Pro­jekt.

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