

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2020.1


Seman­tic plu­ral­i­ty. Eng­lish col­lec­tive nouns and oth­er ways of denot­ing plu­ral­i­ties of enti­ties
This mono­graph pro­pos­es a com­par­a­tive approach to all the ways of denot­ing ‘more than one’ enti­ty, from col­lec­tive and aggre­gate nouns (with the first-ever typol­o­gy), to count plu­rals, part­ly sub­stan­tivised adjec­tives and con­joined NPs. This seman­tic fea­ture approach to plu­ral­i­ty, which cuts across num­ber, the coun­t/non-count dis­tinc­tion, and lexical/NP lev­els, reveals a very con­sis­tent Scale of Unit Inte­gra­tion, which estab­lish­es clear-cut bound­aries for col­lec­tive nouns, and accom­mo­dates cas­es such as three ele­phant, cat­tle or a chain of islands. The study also offers a refined under­stand­ing of aggre­gate nouns (a cat­e­go­ry near­ly as large as that of col­lec­tive nouns) and quan­tifi­ca­tion in pseu­do-par­ti­tives, devel­ops Guillaume’s notion of ‘inter­nal plu­ral­i­ty’, and pro­pos­es the inno­v­a­tive con­cept of ‘hyper­onyms of plur­al class­es’ (e.g. fur­ni­ture). The Ani­ma­cy Hier­ar­chy is also found to be influ­en­tial, beyond hybrid agree­ment. The book aims to be acces­si­ble to schol­ars of any the­o­ret­i­cal back­ground inter­est­ed in these top­ics.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


The roman­tic tav­ern: lit­er­a­ture and con­vivi­al­i­ty in the age of rev­o­lu­tion
The tav­ern is wide­ly acknowl­edged as cen­tral to the cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal life of Britain, yet wide­ly mis­un­der­stood. Ian New­man pro­vides the first sus­tained account of one of the pri­ma­ry insti­tu­tions of the late eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry pub­lic sphere. The tav­ern was a venue not only for seri­ous polit­i­cal and lit­er­ary debate, but also for phys­i­cal plea­sure — the ludic, libid­i­nal and gas­tro­nom­ic enjoy­ments with which late Geor­gian pub­lic life was inex­tri­ca­bly entwined. This study focus­es on the archi­tec­ture of tav­erns and the peo­ple who fre­quent­ed them, as well as the artis­tic forms — drink­ing songs, bal­lads, Anacre­on­tic poet­ry, and toast­ing — with which the tav­ern was asso­ci­at­ed. By exam­in­ing the cul­ture of con­vivi­al­i­ty that emerged along­side oth­er new forms of socia­bil­i­ty in the sec­ond half of the eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry, The Roman­tic Tav­ern argues for the impor­tance of con­vivi­al­i­ty as a com­plex new form of socia­bil­i­ty shaped by mas­cu­line polit­i­cal gath­er­ing and mixed com­pa­ny enter­tain­ments.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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