

Kennen Sie schon … Screenonline?

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Die Web­site Screenon­line, 2003 vom British Film Insti­tute (BFI) begrün­det, bietet Infor­ma­tio­nen zur Film- und Fernse­hgeschichte Großbri­tan­niens und dem damit ver­bun­de­nen sozialkul­turellen Wan­del des Lan­des:

In the Film sec­tion you will find groups of films unit­ed by a com­mon theme: From cher­ished favourites to unfa­mil­iar gems, from the main­stream to the down­right weird, we cel­e­brate the huge vari­ety of British cin­e­ma. Like the rest of BFI Screenon­line, these sec­tions are grow­ing all the time, so if what you’re look­ing for isn’t here now, it may be on its way. In the mean­time, browse around – you’re sure to find some­thing inter­est­ing.
In the Tele­vi­sion sec­tion you will find TV pro­grammes grouped by theme. While British cin­e­ma has had to strug­gle to com­pete with mighty Hol­ly­wood, our tele­vi­sion indus­try has long been the envy of the world. Find out how here. If you can’t find what you’re look­ing for, remem­ber we’re adding new mate­r­i­al all the time. In the mean­time, have a look around.
Our Peo­ple sec­tion includes hun­dreds of entries on key per­son­al­i­ties from Britain’s film and tele­vi­sion indus­tries, both in front of and behind the cam­era. Many of our author­i­ta­tive biogra­phies have been licensed from The Ency­clo­pe­dia of British Cin­e­ma (ed. Bri­an McFar­lane, Methuen, 2003) and from Direc­tors in British and Irish Cin­e­ma: A ref­er­ence com­pan­ion (ed. Robert Mur­phy, BFI, 2006). Oth­ers have been spe­cial­ly writ­ten for BFI Screenon­line.
BFI Screenon­line Tours offer an intro­duc­to­ry guide to a par­tic­u­lar area of British film or tele­vi­sion his­to­ry. They include video clips and oth­er media mate­ri­als as well as edu­ca­tion resources and sug­ges­tions for class­room work. More recent tours fea­ture spe­cial­ly-made short videos includ­ing inter­views with film­mak­ers, actors and film experts.
You can find fur­ther les­son ideas and oth­er resources aimed at stu­dents and teach­ers in the Edu­ca­tion sec­tion.

Der Zugriff auf einige Bere­iche des Audio- und Video­ma­te­ri­als ist nur britis­chen Bib­lio­theken und Bil­dung­sein­rich­tun­gen vor­be­hal­ten; Infor­ma­tio­nen über Nutzungsmöglichkeit­en außer­halb Großbri­tan­niens find­en Sie hier.

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