Der Regisseur Alessandro Novelli hat einen Animationsfilm gedreht, der sich an die Parabel „Vor dem Gesetz“ aus dem Romanfragment „Der Process“ von Franz Kafka anlehnt:
Synopsis: „A Peasant arrives in front of a enormous gate, protected by a Guardian, he dares to pass, but…„
About the project: The Guardian is a free interpretation of the parable „Before the Law“ from Kafka’s book „The Trial“. A peasant after traveling the world arrives in front of a gate, controlled by a fearsome Guardian. The peasant tries to pass through but the Guardian denies him entrance. Peasant and Guardian are the same character, the peasant, like each one of us, in front of his own fear; the guardian, something shapeless, that surround and control him. The Door/Gate the possibilities we encounter during our life.
Technique: The Guardian is a blend of 2D and 3D animation, developed in different softwares and then painted and lighted in Photoshop frame by frame.
Der Film ist bei Vimeo zu sehen.
Auf der Seite zum Film finden Sie weiterführende Links z.B. zur Uraufführung 2015 sowie ein „Making of“.