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„The Guardian“: Animationsfilm zu Kafkas „Vor dem Gesetz“

Szene aus dem Film "The Guardian" (https://www.newgold.tv/THE-GUARDIAN)

Der Regis­seur Alessan­dro Nov­elli hat einen Ani­ma­tions­film gedreht, der sich an die Para­bel „Vor dem Gesetz“ aus dem Roman­frag­ment „Der Process“ von Franz Kaf­ka anlehnt:

Syn­op­sis: „A Peas­ant arrives in front of a enor­mous gate, pro­tect­ed by a Guardian, he dares to pass, but…„
About the project: The Guardian is a free inter­pre­ta­tion of the para­ble „Before the Law“ from Kafka’s book „The Tri­al“. A peas­ant after trav­el­ing the world arrives in front of a gate, con­trolled by a fear­some Guardian. The peas­ant tries to pass through but the Guardian denies him entrance. Peas­ant and Guardian are the same char­ac­ter, the peas­ant, like each one of us, in front of his own fear; the guardian, some­thing shape­less, that sur­round and con­trol him. The Door/Gate the pos­si­bil­i­ties we encounter dur­ing our life.
Tech­nique: The Guardian is a blend of 2D and 3D ani­ma­tion, devel­oped in dif­fer­ent soft­wares and then paint­ed and light­ed in Pho­to­shop frame by frame.

Der Film ist bei Vimeo zu sehen.
Auf der Seite zum Film find­en Sie weit­er­führende Links z.B. zur Urauf­führung 2015 sowie ein „Mak­ing of“.

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