

Kennen Sie schon … das Portal „Danish Silent Film“?

From around 1910, the Dan­ish film indus­try was a world leader, both com­mer­cial­ly and artis­ti­cal­ly, with Nordisk Films Kom­pag­ni (now Nordisk Film) at the fore­front. Stars like Asta Nielsen, Valde­mar Psi­lan­der and Fy & Bi were famous way beyond their home coun­try, and Denmark’s great­est film direc­tor, Carl Th. Drey­er, was pro­lif­ic dur­ing this peri­od as well.
Now the Dan­ish Film Insti­tute has launched, where every­one can fol­low the digi­ti­sa­tion of more than 400 works from the 1897–1928 peri­od. As the films are digi­tised, they will be streamed on the site, accom­pa­nied by posters, pho­tos, the­mat­ic arti­cles, scripts and con­tem­po­rary reviews.

Run­ning over the next four years, this film-archae­o­log­i­cal project will be both wide-rang­ing and unpre­dictable. Some of the old reels have not been viewed since the 1920s, but cre­at­ing their path to also means that we are build­ing the infra­struc­ture con­tin­u­ous­ly until the end of 2023.
We will con­tex­tu­al­ize the films in the­mat­ic col­lec­tions, which high­light the fas­ci­nat­ing, mys­te­ri­ous, awe­some, sexy and fun­ny sto­ries hid­ing in the archive. Whether you are a researcher, enthu­si­ast or just curi­ous, you can dive into the ear­ly star cul­ture, get an insight into the dig­i­ti­za­tion process, or just browse your way through the cor­nu­copia of cin­e­mato­graph­ic trea­sures.

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