Peter der Große stand Pate bei der Benennung von „PT“, einer Sammlung von Schriftarten, die die russische Firma ParaType veröffentlicht hat.
Es gibt drei Varianten: PT Sans, PT Serif und PT Mono.
Ihnen liegt die Idee zugrunde, Schriften zu entwickeln, die die Zeichen aller Sprachen in Russland beinhalten und die frei verfügbar sind.
In the territory of Russia, there are more than 70 actively used languages based on the Cyrillic alphabet. And it is precisely this writing system that serves as a uniting and identifying factor that enables us to perceive ourselves as the united people of a united country. […]
[T]he government ordered the development of a set of nationwide open license fonts which support all the majority languages of Russian Federation subjects. These considerations, coupled with the desire to design a font that is multipurpose, has a modern design, conforms with the notion of an orthographically sound Cyrillic font, and which does not cause irritation to domestic users and may serve as a template for western designers, lay at the heart of designing the PT Sans and PT Serif fonts, which were created by the ParaType company with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media.
Mehr Informationen dazu und den Link zum Download der Fonts finden Sie auf der Projektseite von ParaType.
Aber warum Peter der Große als Pate? Die Antwort gibt es z.B. auf dieser Wikipedia-Seite. 🙂