Die Datenbank, die auf eine Bibliographie aus dem Jahr 1987 zurückgeht und laufend aktualisiert wird, ist seit Anfang 2020 frei online verfügbar:
Linguistic Pragmatics is the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. The Bibliography of Pragmatics Online is an annotated bibliography of this rapidly growing field. It covers topics from traditions that belong or have contributed to pragmatics in substantial ways (from accommodation theory, analytical philosophy and anthropological linguistics, to cognitive linguistics, construction grammar, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, literary pragmatics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, relevance theory, sociolinguistics and its many subdomains, speech act theory, and universal and transcendental pragmatics, to name just a few).
Incorporating the four volumes of Jan Nuyts & Jef Verschueren, 1987, A Comprehensive Bibliography of Pragmatics, coverage has been updated annually ever since. With many thousands of entries, the bibliography offers a thesaurus and provides CrossRef DOIs, where available, for easier interlinking.
The Bibliography of Pragmatics Online primarily addresses the needs of students, researchers, scholars and experts on language and linguistics, and it in fact caters to any individual with a personal or professional interest in problems of language use and communication.
As of January 2020, the Bibliography of Pragmatics Online is an open access product, enabling the community of users to contribute to its further maintenance and expansion, particularly beyond the borders of dominant mainstream publications. In an effort to demarginalize academic productivity in various parts of the world and in a diversity of languages, everyone is now called upon to submit additions, old or new, their own or from colleagues. The process will be monitored by a sizeable team of Associate Editors.