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Die Uni Aarhus hat ein Por­tal für inter­diszi­plinäre Infor­ma­tio­nen über die nordis­chen Län­der ins Leben gerufen:

What is responds to a recent demand for knowl­edge about the Nordic region and is set up to gath­er and dis­sem­i­nate reli­able, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary infor­ma­tion to a glob­al and Nordic read­er­ship. Con­tent cov­ers dif­fer­ent aspects of the Nordic soci­eties, includ­ing his­to­ry, pol­i­tics, social pol­i­cy and cul­ture, and com­par­isons between the Nordics and oth­er geo­graph­i­cal areas. seeks to be acces­si­ble and rel­e­vant to read­ers while reflect­ing the com­plex­i­ty of the sub­ject mat­ter. Nordic coun­tries are often pre­sent­ed in either a utopi­an or a dystopi­an light. The truth usu­al­ly lies some­where between the two and depends on the con­text, coun­try, sub­ject, and so on – and the reader’s own per­spec­tive.

Why a web­site on a region and not indi­vid­ual coun­tries?

The idea of the nation state under­stand­ably dom­i­nates much analy­sis in many sub­ject areas dis­cussed with­in acad­e­mia and soci­ety as a whole. Tak­ing a wider inter­pre­ta­tive stance and con­sid­er­ing region­al and com­par­a­tive per­spec­tives can be infor­ma­tive and result in new and inter­est­ing view­points.
While embrac­ing the term Nordic, does not wish to sim­pli­fy dif­fer­ences with­in the coun­tries in the Nordics, and between the Nordics and else­where. ist auch auf Twit­ter und Face­book vertreten.

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