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Kennen Sie schon … die CantApp?

Screenshot aus der Web-Version der "CantApp" (http://www.sd-editions.com/CantApp/GP/)

A Uni­ver­si­ty of Saskatchewan-led inter­na­tion­al team has pro­duced the first web and mobile phone app of Geof­frey Chaucer’s The Can­ter­bury Tales – the first major lit­er­ary work aug­ment­ed by new schol­ar­ship, in any lan­guage, pre­sent­ed in an app.

„We want the pub­lic, not just aca­d­e­mics, to see the man­u­script as Chaucer would have like­ly thought of it – as a per­for­mance that mixed dra­ma and humor,“ said Uni­ver­si­ty of Saskatchewan (USask) Eng­lish pro­fes­sor Peter Robin­son, leader of the project.
„We have become con­vinced, over many years, that the best way to read the Tales is to hear it per­formed – just as we imag­ine that Chaucer him­self might have per­formed it at the court of Richard II.“

The free app is the first edi­tion in a planned series. The app fea­tures a 45-minute audio per­for­mance of the Gen­er­al Pro­logue of the Tales–the mas­ter­piece work by the most impor­tant Eng­lish writer before Shake­speare – along with the dig­i­tized orig­i­nal man­u­script. While lis­ten­ing to the read­ing, users have access to sup­port­ing con­tent such as a trans­la­tion in mod­ern Eng­lish, com­men­tary, notes and vocab­u­lary explain­ing Mid­dle Eng­lish words used by Chaucer.

The late Mon­ty Python star Ter­ry Jones, who was a medieval­ist with two influ­en­tial books on Chaucer, was also instru­men­tal in devel­op­ing the con­tent of the app. His trans­la­tion of The Gen­er­al Pro­logue and his books fea­ture in the intro­duc­tion and notes. This work on the app is thought to have been the last major aca­d­e­m­ic project that Jones worked on before his pass­ing on Jan­u­ary 21.


Sie find­en Sie App über die Suche nach „Gen­er­al Pro­logue“ im Play­Store bzw. im App­store. Es gibt zudem eine WebApp.

Weit­ere Infos find­en Sie in der Pressemel­dung zum Release der App oder z.B. in diesem Post auf Men­tal Floss.

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