

Kennen Sie schon … das Projekt „Around the World in 80 Books“?

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Am 10. Mai 2020 startete David Dam­rosch, Chair des Depart­ment of Com­par­a­tive Lit­er­a­ture der Uni Har­vard, ein Lit­er­atur-Pro­jekt:

As we shel­ter in place in these trou­bled times, or when we return home after a social­ly dis­tanced excur­sion out, we can use anti­dotes to the clos­ing in of the walls around us. Lit­er­a­ture has always pro­vid­ed win­dows into the wider world, and I’ve found myself more than ever drawn to read­ing writ­ers from around the world, peo­ple who have trans­formed their own trau­mas and their society’s strug­gles into bril­liant­ly achieved works of art. With a whole series of trav­el plans can­celled for the com­ing months, I’ve decid­ed to fol­low the lead of Jules Verne’s globe-span­ning hero Phileas Fogg, now voy­ag­ing around the world not in per­son but through eighty books.
This web­site chron­i­cles my trav­els through clas­sic and con­tem­po­rary world lit­er­a­ture, offer­ing you the chance to look fresh­ly at some works you’ve always loved and to make new dis­cov­er­ies in their com­pa­ny. In keep­ing with Verne’s punc­til­ious pro­tag­o­nist, I’ve orga­nized my eighty books on a strict sched­ule. For six­teen weeks from mid-May through the end of August, I’ll be post­ing on a clus­ter of five books per week, one per day every Mon­day through Fri­day.
Each week’s set of works will be asso­ci­at­ed with a place that they’ve embod­ied in mem­o­rable form. The web­site will high­light the way these works reflect or refract their world and the way they enter into the world in turn, and it will also serve as a kind of ship’s log for the book that will emerge at journey’s end. I invite you to join me on the way.

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