

Kennen Sie schon … die Sammlung „Children’s Books“ der British Library?

British Library Children's Books Collection: Indfant's Library (

Explore cen­turies of sto­ries, poems and illus­tra­tions with Dis­cov­er­ing Children’s Books, a free online resource for chil­dren, teach­ers and book-lovers of all ages. The site explores the his­to­ry and rich vari­ety of children’s lit­er­a­ture, draw­ing on inspir­ing mate­r­i­al from medieval fables to con­tem­po­rary pic­ture books.
Over 150 trea­sures are wait­ing to be found, from one-of-a-kind man­u­scripts to orig­i­nal illus­tra­tions. Col­lec­tion high­lights include orig­i­nal drafts, art­works, poems and note­books by beloved authors and illus­tra­tors includ­ing Lewis Car­roll, Edward Lear, Ken­neth Gra­hame, Judith Kerr, John Agard, Quentin Blake, Axel Schef­fler, Lau­ren Child, Zanib Mian and Liz Pichon. The web­site also pro­vides access to some of the ear­li­est print­ed works cre­at­ed for a young read­er­ship and an array of mov­able, minia­ture, noisy and toy books, pro­pa­gan­da sto­ries, comics, poems and fairy tales.

So lädt die British Library zur Erkun­dung ihrer Kinder­büch­er-Samm­lung ein.
Hier find­en Sie die bere­its dig­i­tal­isierten Büch­er; die Samm­lung kann auch nach The­men durch­stöbert wer­den. Zudem gibt es Artikel und Videos sowie Vorschläge für Aktiv­itäten rund um die Büch­er.

Dieser Artikel im Guardian stellt die Samm­lung vor.

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