

Kennen Sie schon … den Thesaurus Linguae Sericae?

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Der The­saurus Lin­guae Ser­i­cae (TLS) ist eine „His­tor­i­cal and Com­par­a­tive Ency­clopae­dia of Chi­nese Con­cep­tu­al Schemes“, also ein Wörter­buch des klas­sis­chen Chi­ne­sisch, das den chi­ne­sis­chen Wortschatz sys­tem­a­tisch in tax­onomis­chen und mere­onomis­chen Hier­ar­chien organ­isiert.

TLS explores the con­cep­tu­al schemes of pre-Bud­dhist Chi­nese on the basis of a cor­pus of trans­lat­ed texts inter­linked with an ana­lyt­ic dic­tio­nary.

Text and dic­tio­nary are con­stant­ly held up against one anoth­er. Our under­stand­ing of the texts and the Chi­nese sys­tem of mean­ings can be refined by through this close con­fronta­tion.

TLS asso­ciates Chi­nese con­cepts with con­cepts from the Euro­pean antiq­ui­ty, aim­ing to make the clas­si­cal Chi­nese evi­dence com­pa­ra­ble to that of oth­er cul­tures.

TLS seeks to make more pre­cise the cri­te­ria used in trans­lat­ing clas­si­cal Chi­nese, through a detailed descrip­tion of the seman­tic rela­tions that obtain among Chi­nese words.

TLS is the first syn­onym dic­tio­nary of clas­si­cal Chi­nese in any West­ern lan­guage; it attempts to state as clear­ly as pos­si­ble the seman­tic nuances that dis­tin­guish words close in mean­ing.

TLS is the first dic­tio­nary which sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly organ­is­es the Chi­nese vocab­u­lary in tax­o­nom­ic and mere­o­nom­ic hier­ar­chies, thus explor­ing the topol­o­gy of the Chi­nese men­tal space.

TLS is the first dic­tio­nary that sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly reg­is­ters lex­i­cal rela­tions like antonym, con­verse, epi­thet, etc., there­by aim­ing to define the Chi­nese con­cep­tu­al space as a rela­tion­al space.

TLS is the first dic­tio­nary of Chi­nese which incor­po­rates detailed syn­tac­tic analy­sis, thus enabling the sys­tem­at­ic study of basic phe­nom­e­na as e.g. the his­to­ry of abstract nouns in Chi­na.

TLS is the first cor­pus-based dic­tio­nary which records the his­to­ry of rhetor­i­cal devices in texts, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to study cru­cial mat­ters such as the his­to­ry of irony in Chi­na.

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