

Kennen Sie schon … das Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore?

Cover des Dictionary of English Folklore

An absorb­ing and enter­tain­ing guide to Eng­lish folk­lore and an author­i­ta­tive ref­er­ence source on such leg­endary char­ac­ters as Cin­derel­la, Jack the Giant Killer, and Robin Hood.
The dic­tio­nary gives enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive expla­na­tions of a wide range of sub­jects in folk­lore and includes arti­cles on oral and per­for­mance gen­res such as cheese rolling, mor­ris danc­ing, and rush­bear­ing, super­sti­tions such as cross­ing fin­gers and wish­bones, beliefs like fairy rings and frog show­ers, and cal­en­dar cus­toms from April Fool’s Day to St. Valentine’s Day.

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