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Kennen Sie schon … den SRB Podcast?

Dieser Pod­cast, dessen Name zurück­ge­ht auf „Sean’s Rus­sia Blog“, wird her­aus­gegeben von Sean Guil­lo­ry, Dig­i­tal Schol­ar­ship Cura­tor am Cen­ter for Russ­ian, East Euro­pean, and Eurasian Stud­ies an der Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitts­burgh.

Logo des SRB-Podcasts (https://srbpodcast.org/)

The SRB Pod­cast’s mis­sion is sim­ple: to pro­vide a space for the many, many inter­est­ing thinkers who do amaz­ing work to express their views, dis­cuss their work, and con­tribute to the larg­er pub­lic dis­cus­sion on the region. The show also seeks to give the pub­lic access to the won­der­ful and grow­ing body of research that rarely reach­es a broad audi­ence but is cru­cial­ly impor­tant, espe­cial­ly as ten­sions with and in the region flare. It is my hope the SRB Pod­cast will make a mod­est con­tri­bu­tion to paint a pic­ture of Eura­sia in all its com­plex­i­ty and the spread knowl­edge about it to an inter­est­ed pub­lic.

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