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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2020.8

Schriftzug "Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen" mit ULB-Logo

The Cam­bridge hand­book of African lin­guis­tics
This book pro­vides an in-depth and com­pre­hen­sive state-of-the-art study of ‚African lan­guages‘ and ‚lan­guage in Africa‘ since its begin­nings as a ‚colo­nial sci­ence‘ at the turn of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry in Europe. Com­piled by 56 inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned schol­ars, this ground break­ing study looks at past and cur­rent research on ‚African lan­guages‘ and ‚lan­guage in Africa‘ under the impact of par­a­dig­mat­ic changes from ‚colo­nial‘ to ‚post­colo­nial‘ per­spec­tives. It address­es cur­rent trends in the study of the role and func­tions of lan­guage, African and oth­er, in pre- and post­colo­nial African soci­eties. High­light­ing the cen­tral role that the ‚lan­guage fac­tor‘ plays in post­colo­nial trans­for­ma­tion process­es of socio­cul­tur­al mod­ern­iza­tion and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment, it also address­es more recent, par­tic­u­lar­ly urban, pat­terns of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and out­lines applied dimen­sions of dig­i­tal­iza­tion and human lan­guage tech­nol­o­gy.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


The city of Ye in the Chi­nese lit­er­a­ture land­scape
In The City of Ye in the Chi­nese Lit­er­ary Land­scape, Joanne Tsao demon­strates how the city of Ye changed from an icon­ic space that rep­re­sent­ed Cao Cao’s hero­ic enter­prise to a sym­bol of the fruit­less­ness of human endeav­our, and then final­ly to a lit­er­ary land­mark, a synec­doche for the vicis­si­tudes of human life caught in the pre­dictable cycles of dynas­tic rise and decline. Through a close read­ing of lit­er­ary works on Ye, she illus­trates how the city trans­formed from a lived to imag­i­na­tive space to become a sym­bol in the poet­ic lex­i­con.
Mak­ing use of lit­er­ary and his­tor­i­cal texts on Ye and its mate­r­i­al remains through the Song and beyond she shows the poten­cy of place as a gen­er­a­tive force in lit­er­ary pro­duc­tion and in his­tor­i­cal dis­course.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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