

Kennen Sie schon … den Podcast „The Language Revolution“?

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Unter dem Mot­to „Chang­ing UK atti­tudes to lan­guages“ gibt die Sprach­wis­senschaft­lerin Cate Hamil­ton einen Pod­cast her­aus:

As a lan­guages teacher and co-founder of Babel Babies, I am fas­ci­nat­ed by how some­thing as sim­ple as speak­ing has got peo­ple into such a pick­le. The UK has a rich mul­ti­lin­gual tapes­try, woven with our 14 indige­nous lan­guages (go on, have a go at nam­ing them in the com­ments below!) and many more lan­guage threads that have come to our shores with peo­ple from all over the world, and yet we have a rep­u­ta­tion of shy­ing away from learn­ing new lan­guages.

I think it’s high-time we faced the issues we have about learn­ing lan­guages head-on and talked about where our feel­ings of fear, embar­rass­ment, and even resent­ment at the sug­ges­tion that Eng­lish speak­ers should learn a new lan­guage come from.

It’s time for a lan­guage rev­o­lu­tion, n’est-ce pas?

… heißt es in der ersten Folge des Pod­casts,

Es gibt auch einen Twit­ter-Account zur Rei­he: @LangRevolution; Cate Hamil­ton ist unter @lomo_linguist eben­falls dort vertreten.

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