

The Myths and Legends Podcast › Viking Legends: VFFs

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„After a ball game goes wrong in the worst pos­si­ble way, Viking best friends go on a quest to clear their names. A quest that involves poi­son vul­tures, evil priest­ess witch­es, kings that can trans­form into drag­ons, and stuffed ani­mal cows.
The crea­ture is the teaket­tler! A crea­ture that just wants to be left alone and if you keep has­sling it, it will get real­ly steamed…in that it will shoot a jet of steam at you.“

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die 22.9.2020 veröf­fentlicht wurde, über die Seite der Pod­cas­trei­he nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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