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Unter dem Mot­to „A gen­tle wan­der through the Viking world“ blog­gt Judith Jesch vom Cen­tre for the Study of the Viking Age der Uni Not­ting­ham über alles rund um das Wikinger-Zeital­ter:

Dur­ing the day (and some­times the night) I teach and do research into Old Norse lan­guage and lit­er­a­ture and the Viking Age. The pur­pose of this blog is to record expe­ri­ences and obser­va­tions from my encoun­ters with Vikings in the media, in pop­u­lar cul­ture, and on my trav­els in the Viking world. I record these for myself, but it might be that you, too, dear read­er, are inter­est­ed. If so, please feel free to com­ment.

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