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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2020.11


The Thou­sand and One Nights: Sources and Trans­for­ma­tions in Lit­er­a­ture, Art, and Sci­ence
The Thou­sand and One Nights does not fall into a schol­ar­ly canon or into the cat­e­go­ry of pop­u­lar lit­er­a­ture. It takes its place with­in a mid­dle lit­er­a­ture that cir­cu­lat­ed wide­ly in medieval times. The Nights grad­u­al­ly entered world lit­er­a­ture through the great nov­els of the day and through music, cin­e­ma and oth­er art forms. Mate­r­i­al inspired by the Nights has con­tin­ued to emerge from many dif­fer­ent coun­tries, peri­ods, dis­ci­plines and lan­guages, and the scope of the Nights has con­tin­ued to widen, mak­ing the col­lec­tion a uni­ver­sal work from every point of view. The essays in this vol­ume scru­ti­nize the expanse of sources for this mon­u­men­tal work of Ara­bic lit­er­a­ture and fol­low the tra­jec­to­ry of the Nights’ texts, the cre­ative, schol­ar­ly com­men­taries, artis­tic encoun­ters and rela­tions to sci­ence.
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Engen­der­ing the woman ques­tion. Men, women, and writ­ing in China’s ear­ly peri­od­i­cal press
In Engen­der­ing the Woman Ques­tion, Zhang Yun adopts a new approach to exam­in­ing the ear­ly Chi­nese women’s peri­od­i­cal press. Rather than see­ing this new print and pub­lish­ing genre as a gen­dered site cod­ed as either “fem­i­nine” or “mas­cu­line,” this book approach­es it as a mixed-gen­der pub­lic space where both men and women were intel­lec­tu­al­ly active and involved in dynam­ic inter­ac­tions to deter­mine the con­tours of their dis­cur­sive encoun­ters.
Draw­ing upon a vari­ety of nov­el tex­tu­al modes such as polem­i­cal essays, his­tor­i­cal biog­ra­phy, pub­lic speech, and expos­i­to­ry essays, this book opens a win­dow onto men’s and women’s gen­der-spe­cif­ic approach­es to a series of promi­nent top­ics cen­tral to the Chi­nese woman ques­tion in the ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry.
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