Welche Schriftarten gibt es, mit denen man phonetische Transkriptionen erstellen kann? Und wie gut sind diese Schriftarten jeweils?
Dieser Frage ist der Sprachwissenschaftler Christopher Bergmann (@isoglosse) nachgegangen.
Seine Erkenntnisse hat er in einer Liste in diesem Blogpost zusammengefasst, die laufend aktualisiert wird:
In 2014, I started compiling a list of fonts for typesetting phonetic transcriptions using symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). It is probably the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of such fonts, providing short, yet detailed reviews of the typefaces and the quality of their symbols – but it has two disadvantages: First, the reviews are written in German, which most people do not read. Second, the list – featuring more than 40 typefaces – has grown quite long and maybe even a bit confusing. If you are looking for a decent sans-serif typeface that includes phonetic symbols in its bold style, the long list will not be much help. That is why created a table of all fonts for phonetic transcriptions I am aware of (thanks to Friedrich Althausen, the designer of the Vollkorn typeface, for the suggestion!).