

Kennen Sie schon … die Skånes musiksamlingar?

Skånes musik­sam­lin­gar är egen klin­gande avdel­ning vid Folk­livsarkivet i Lund. Sam­lin­gar­na är ett av lan­dets region­ala arkiv för folk- och folk­lig musik och uppgiften består i att doku­mentera, vår­da och till­gäng­lig­göra den region­ala musiken. Sam­lin­gar­na står till tjänst för såväl forskn­ing, utbild­ning som mer prak­tisk använd­ning.

The Sca­nia Music Col­lec­tions con­sists of sheet music, song books, music record­ings, inter­views and so forth. The col­lec­tions are large­ly relat­ed to the region of Sca­nia, but there are also mate­ri­als with links to oth­er regions in south Swe­den, such as Blekinge and Hal­land. The empha­sis is on tra­di­tion­al folk music, dance music and bal­lads, but also more mod­ern music is rep­re­sent­ed. A sub­stan­tial num­ber of the col­lec­tions is dig­i­tized and are avail­able elec­tron­i­cal­ly.

In the same man­ner as the Folk­life Archives oth­er activ­i­ties the Sca­nia Music Col­lec­tions are try­ing to relate­to cur­rent research. In the begin­ning the work point­ed as main­ly old­er folk tra­di­tion, but nowa­days the task of doc­u­ment­ing should by applic­a­ble through­out the whole mul­ti­cul­tur­al province of Sca­nia.

Out­go­ing activ­i­ties are an impor­tant part of the Sca­nia Music Collection’s task. The col­lec­tions are avail­able both for researchers, stu­dents and for the gen­er­al pub­lic.

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