Das Repertory of Early-Modern Linguistic and Catechetical Tools of America, Asia, and Africa angesiedelt am Center for the Historiography of Linguistics der Uni Leuven, unterstützt die Forschung zur Missionarslinguistik:
RELiCTA’s name alludes to the both dormant and precarious nature of the extensive body of missionary tools. RELiCTA covers early modern linguistic and catechetical tools for non-European languages, offering metadata such as authorship, place and date of publication, reprints. We hope that this database will increase general awareness of the value of these sources — a necessary first step in fighting oblivion and loss. In addition, the database will enable scholars to approach the body of missionary linguistic tools from a bird’s‑eye perspective.
RELiCTA aims to go beyond a mere collection of all relevant primary source material. We hope that the database can also shed light on the following questions:
- what is the approximate extent of linguistic and catechetical documents composed by missionary linguists? How many documents do we know of? How many are still preserved?
— what can be said, in a comparative way, about missionary linguistics in the Americas and in Asia in that period?
— what is the proportion between the number of grammars and the number of wordlists?
— which indigenous languages are often described, and which ones rarely or never?
— how is the succession of descriptions of certain languages in terms of time – shorter or longer periods?
Das Portal ist im Dezember 2020 freigeschaltet worden; einige Bereiche werden noch weiter entwickelt.