

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2021.3


Arab polit­i­cal thought: past and present
This book demon­strates the vital­i­ty of Arab polit­i­cal thought and its major con­tro­ver­sies. It shows that the key play­ers involved, far from being con­strained by a the­o­log­i­cal-polit­i­cal strait­jack­et, have often demon­strat­ed strong crit­i­cal think­ing when tack­ling reli­gion and phi­los­o­phy, anthro­pol­o­gy and pol­i­tics.
Set­ting these thinkers and their works with­in two cen­turies of upheaval in the Arab world, Georges Corm demon­strates how Arab crit­i­cal thought has been mar­gin­alised by pow­er­ful exter­nal forces: the mil­i­tary, the acad­e­my and the media. In its place has risen a hege­mon­ic Islamist thought, used can­ni­ly by cer­tain Arab regimes and their West­ern pro­tec­tors. Close­ly trac­ing the suc­ces­sive trans­for­ma­tions of mod­ernist Arab nation­al­ism, Arab Polit­i­cal Thought offers a blue­print for under­stand­ing the lib­er­tar­i­an Arab Spring, as well as the counter-rev­o­lu­tions and exter­nal inter­ven­tions that have fol­lowed.
This invalu­able guide com­pre­hen­sive­ly dis­tils the com­plex­i­ty of Arab intel­lec­tu­al­ism, which is both crit­i­cal and pro­fane, and a far cry from the out­dat­ed politi­co-reli­gious image it has acquired.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Analysing Chi­nese lan­guage and dis­course across lay­ers and gen­res
Aspi­ra­tional and expand­ing, this book exam­ines con­tem­po­rary Chi­nese lan­guage and dis­course across a spec­trum of lin­guis­tic lay­ers and gen­res in diverse social con­texts. Address­ing issues rang­ing from the usu­al focus on lan­guage per se, or lan­guage use in reac­tion to the imme­di­ate set­tings, to the con­nec­tions between prop­er­ties of texts and social prac­tices (ide­olo­gies, stanc­etak­ing, pow­er rela­tions, etc.), the updat­ed and exem­plary research projects pre­sent­ed in the vol­ume demon­strates a devel­op­ing tra­jec­to­ry of research in Chi­nese lan­guage and dis­course. With its empir­i­cal focus and stress on the role of lan­guage and dis­course in social prac­tice, this impor­tant new book dis­cuss­es var­i­ous lan­guage fea­tures as well as gen­der, stanc­etak­ing, and iden­ti­ty in Chi­nese dis­course. This is a vital dis­cus­sion for any­one inter­est­ed in con­tem­po­rary Chi­nese lan­guage and dis­course stud­ies.
In exam­i­na­tion of dif­fer­ent lay­ers of lan­guage (i.e. from lex­i­cal items and sen­tence struc­tures to dis­course fea­tures and dis­cur­sive prac­tices) across dif­fer­ent gen­res of texts, the research projects have drawn on a vari­ety of lin­guis­tic approach­es and method­olo­gies, includ­ing func­tion­al lin­guis­tics, applied lin­guis­tics, soci­olin­guis­tics and var­i­ous approach­es to dis­course analy­sis.
Researchers and stu­dents of Chi­nese lin­guis­tics, soci­olin­guis­tics, dis­course stud­ies, trans­la­tion stud­ies, and Chi­na stud­ies in gen­er­al will find this vol­ume an indis­pens­able ref­er­ence and an enjoy­able read.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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