

Kennen Sie schon … das British Cartoon Archive?

Header der Website des British Cartoon Archive ( (Stand 21.4.2021)

Das British Car­toon Archive an der Uni Kent umfasst über 200.000 Car­toons und Comics aus über zwei Jahrhun­derten:

The British Car­toon Archive is ded­i­cat­ed to the his­to­ry of British car­toon­ing over the last two hun­dred years. The BCA holds the art­work for over 200,000 British edi­to­r­i­al, socio-polit­i­cal, and pock­et car­toons, sup­port­ed by large col­lec­tions of com­ic strips, news­pa­per cut­tings, books and mag­a­zines.
The BCA is locat­ed in Can­ter­bury at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent and is part of Spe­cial Col­lec­tions & Archives in the Tem­ple­man Library. The BCA reg­u­lar­ly curates exhi­bi­tions of mate­r­i­al and loans art­work nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly to oth­er gal­leries.

Art­work in the BCA dates back to 1904 and includes work by W.K. Haselden, Will Dyson, Sid­ney Strube, David Low, Vicky, Emm­wood, Michael Cum­mings, Ralph Stead­man, Mel Cal­man, Nicholas Gar­land, Chris Rid­dell, Carl Giles, Mar­tin Row­son, and Steve Bell, amongst many oth­ers. Mate­r­i­al from the BCA is still being accrued, with con­tem­po­rary pol­i­tics strong­ly rep­re­sent­ed through­out the col­lec­tions.

Für eine umfassende Recherche müsste man nach Can­ter­bury fahren.
Aber: Über 170.000 Medi­en aus den ver­schiede­nen Samm­lun­gen sind bere­its dig­i­tal­isiert wor­den!

Many items have been digi­tised and are avail­able to view online through the BCA’s online cat­a­logue.

Books from the British Car­toon Archive’s library are list­ed on the University’s Library­Search cat­a­logue and can be searched by select­ing ‚British Car­toon Archive‘ on the right-hand drop down menu. Click through on the item you wish to see, click on the ‚details‘ tab and select ‚Request this item from the British Car­toon Archive‘.

Hier gehts zum Kat­a­log des Archivs. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern! 🙂
Das Archiv twit­tert übri­gens auch.

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