Romance interrogative syntax: formal and typological dimensions of variation
This monograph offers an innovative understanding of the mechanisms involved in Romance ‘optional’ wh-in situ. New supporting evidence in favour of Cable’s (2010) Grammar of Q is presented, as well as novel implementations of his original theory. In particular, it is claimed that wh-in situ idioms are characterised not only by language-specific choices between Q‑projection and Q‑adjunction, and between overt and covert movement of Q, but also in terms of the locus where they check the features relevant to wh-questions: while some languages check both [q] and [focus] in C, others make use of the clause-internal vP-periphery to check [focus]. Thanks to the vast amount of data presented and discussed, along with the predictions and theoretical contributions made, this monograph will be of interest to a wide range of specialists in human language, from typologists to Romance specialists and formal syntacticians, but also to the many experts in languages with overt Q‑particles who wonder why Romance specialists have long been so resistant to the implementation of silent Q‑particles in their theoretical models.
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Polemic and literature surrounding French Wars of religion
Polemic and Literature Surrounding the French Wars of Religion demonstrates that literature and polemic interacted constantly in sixteenth-century France, constructing ideological frameworks that defined the various groups to which individuals belonged and through which they defined their identities. Contributions explore both literary texts (prose, poetry, and theater) and more intentionally polemical texts that fall outside of the traditional literary genres. Engaging the continuous casting and recasting of opposing worldviews, this collection of essays examines literature’s use of polemic and polemic’s use of literature as seminal intellectual developments stemming from the religious and social turmoil that characterized this period in France.
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