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Kennen Sie schon … die MEI Oman Library?

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The Oman Library’s online col­lec­tion is a web-based dig­i­tal col­lec­tion of the library’s rare books and man­u­scripts, con­sist­ing entire­ly of sub­jects relat­ed to Mid­dle East­ern Stud­ies.
The top­ics of the rare col­lec­tion range from his­to­ry and cul­ture to works of fic­tion from the ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry.
The col­lec­tion includes mate­ri­als in sev­en dif­fer­ent lan­guages – Eng­lish, Ara­bic, French, Far­si, Urdu, Ottoman Turk­ish, and Turk­ish – and pub­li­ca­tions span­ning the peri­od from 1700 to 1921.
In addi­tion to rare books, MEI has includ­ed a num­ber of its own pub­lished works in the dig­i­tal col­lec­tion. These Mid­dle East Insti­tute pub­li­ca­tions span from the 1960s to 2004.

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