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Kennen Sie schon … die Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0?

Screenshot des Headers der Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0 (https://www.univie.ac.at/Geschichte/China-Bibliographie/blog/bibliography/) (Stand 24.6.2021)

Bib­lio­the­ca Sini­ca 2.0 explores Sino-West­ern encoun­ters by ways of texts and images pub­lished before 1939 and is intend­ed as an exten­sion of the bib­li­og­ra­phy West­ern Books on Chi­na in Libraries in Vienna/Austria, 1477–1939.

Bib­lio­the­ca Sini­ca 2.0 aims to pro­vide infor­ma­tion on dig­i­tized books on Chi­na (pub­lished up to 1939) freely avail­able in dig­i­tal repos­i­to­ries (see: ref­er­ences) all over the world. By this means our project wants to facil­i­tate fur­ther research on the var­i­ous aspects of the his­to­ry of West­ern per­cep­tions and Sino-West­ern rela­tions. To main­tain this, ref­er­ences to some major bib­li­ogra­phies are pro­vid­ed.

At the very begin­ning of the project (in 2003) we start­ed to com­pile lists of old and rare books in the hold­ings of the Aus­tri­an Nation­al Library (Vien­na) and the Library of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na. In spring 2004, a first ver­sion of this lists was pub­lished on-line (since Octo­ber 2004 on the pages of the Depart­ment of His­to­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na), refer­ring to about 2000 titles that have been retrieved in search­ing the var­i­ous cat­a­logs of the two major libraries of Vien­na. In fur­ther devel­op­ing these lists, we also includ­ed print­ed mate­r­i­al avail­able in the Library of the Aus­tri­an State Archives.

Con­sid­er­ing the numer­ous efforts of dig­i­ti­za­tion that have been devel­oped dur­ing the last years, the next stage of the project was to include infor­ma­tion on dig­i­tized ver­sions of old and rare books on Chi­na to be found in freely acces­si­ble dig­i­tal repos­i­to­ries around the globe. In 2006–7, these lists were con­sid­er­ably aug­ment­ed (now con­tain­ing about 3000 titles of West­ern books on Chi­na pub­lished before 1939). The search for dig­i­tal resources on the his­to­ry of Sino-West­ern encoun­ters was stim­u­lat­ed in summer/fall 2009 by the prepa­ra­tion of a course on the his­to­ry of Sino-West­ern cul­tur­al rela­tions held at the Depart­ment of His­to­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na.

For most of the titles refer­ring to some major bib­li­ogra­phies this site intends to facil­i­tate fur­ther research on the vast field of the his­to­ry of West­ern per­cep­tions of Chi­na and Sino-West­ern rela­tions. As mass dig­i­ti­za­tion projects go on and our project is a kind of work in progress, we will con­tin­u­ous­ly expand the lists of/links to dig­i­tized ver­sions giv­en in sin­gle entries.


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