

Kennen Sie schon … „The Skaldic Project“?

In diesem inter­na­tionalen Pro­jekt wird die mit­te­lal­ter­liche skan­di­navis­che Skalden­dich­tung neu ediert.
Die Daten­bank umfasst rund 700 dig­i­tal­isierte Hand­schriften.
Zum Stöbern gibt es z.B. eine „Stan­za of the day“.

Skaldic poet­ry refers to a type of poet­ry pro­duced in Scan­di­navia, par­tic­u­lar­ly Nor­way, Ice­land and oth­er Nor­we­gian set­tle­ments, between the 9th and 14th cen­turies. It is gen­er­al­ly attrib­uted to named poets (skalds), com­posed using high­ly intri­cate met­ri­cal forms (espe­cial­ly drót­tkvætt) and com­plex poet­ic dic­tion (espe­cial­ly ken­nings). The poet­ry tends to be pre­served piece­meal in medieval man­u­scripts of prose nar­ra­tives (sagas) and schol­ar­ly trea­tis­es — although there are sig­nif­i­cant excep­tions to all these gen­er­al­i­sa­tions. The Skaldic Project uses a broad def­i­n­i­tion of the term, as described in the Gen­er­al Intro­duc­tion in vol. I of the series; there are around 40,000 lines of poet­ry in the cor­pus.

The Skaldic Data­base is an online resource designed to do two things: to make this extreme­ly com­plex poet­ry acces­si­ble to as wide an audi­ence as pos­si­ble, and to build the edi­to­r­i­al and com­men­tary process into a sin­gle inter­con­nect­ed sys­tem.

This sys­tem allows a seam­less tran­si­tion for the end-user between the mate­r­i­al record of the poet­ry, the poet­ry itself, and its lan­guage, analy­sis and descrip­tion. Pro­duc­ing the data­base has involved a fun­da­men­tal recon­cep­tion of tex­tu­al struc­tures as a rela­tion­al data mod­el and imple­ment­ing this mod­el as a net­worked data­base with an web inter­face.

In diesem Artikel von Tar­rin Wills, dem Data­base Edi­tor des Pro­jek­ts, erfahren Sie weit­ere Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Pro­jekt.

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