

Kennen Sie schon … das Portal „Victorian Popular Culture“?

Sie inter­essieren sich für die pop­uläre Unter­hal­tung in Ameri­ka, Großbri­tan­nien und Europa in der Vik­to­ri­an­is­chen Epoche, also im Zeitraum von 1779 bis 1930? Dann kön­nte diese Seite etwas für Sie sein:

Screenshot des Portals "Victorian Popular Culture" ( (Stand 26.7.2021)

The Vic­to­ri­an Pop­u­lar Cul­ture por­tal is an essen­tial resource for the study of pop­u­lar enter­tain­ment in the nine­teenth and ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­turies. This inno­v­a­tive por­tal is com­prised of four sep­a­rate sec­tions, avail­able to pur­chase indi­vid­u­al­ly and ful­ly cross-search­able: Spir­i­tu­al­ism, Sen­sa­tion and Mag­icCir­cus­es, Sideshows and FreaksMusic Hall, The­atre and Pop­u­lar Enter­tain­mentMov­ing Pic­tures, Opti­cal Enter­tain­ments and the Advent of Cin­e­ma.
Tak­ing its cue from the source mate­r­i­al, Vic­to­ri­an Pop­u­lar Cul­ture wel­comes read­ers into the dark­ened halls, small back­rooms and trav­el­ling venues that host­ed every­thing from spec­tac­u­lar shows and bawdy bur­lesque, to mag­ic and spir­i­tu­al­ist séances. Vic­to­ri­an Pop­u­lar Cul­ture con­tains a wide range of source mate­r­i­al relat­ing to pop­u­lar enter­tain­ment in Amer­i­ca, Britain and Europe in the peri­od from 1779 to 1930, and shows how inter­con­nect­ed these worlds were. As well as fas­ci­nat­ing pri­ma­ry source mate­r­i­al in the form of objects, print­ed books, ephemera, posters, pho­tographs and play­bills, the resource includes a num­ber of use­ful sec­ondary sources to sup­port teach­ing and research. Delve into dif­fer­ent areas of enter­tain­ment in con­tex­tu­al essays by our Con­sul­tant Edi­tors, explore sig­nif­i­cant dates and events in the his­to­ry of pop­u­lar cul­ture and the Vic­to­ri­an world in an inter­ac­tive chronol­o­gy, learn more about the key peo­ple and venues in the Biogra­phies and Venues glos­saries, and view strik­ing images in a gallery that can be per­son­alised for teach­ing and pre­sen­ta­tions.

Einen ersten Überblick erhal­ten Sie in ein­er kleinen Tour durch das Por­tal. Die „Editor’s Choice“ bietet Empfehlun­gen für erste the­ma­tis­che Ein­stiege.

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